Dear Sister Jane

I have had my  Education  in Catholic DSE  run School. I have never
condoned the violence on people who are already converted to
Christianity in Orrisa by a some section of people. I am also not
against  Christian Missionaries performing in India. In fact I hold in
high esteem the great work done by  Mother Theresa and others
missionaries in India like  Father Ceyrac, a French Jesuit, who is
working  to help cure and tender love to lepers in Tamil Nadu  and he
has not converted any person to Christianity.

I agree with you that conversions are not done by use of violence by
your Missionaries  but luring the gullible poor illiterate tribal hindus
by luring them economic benefits, this  coercive religious conversion by
global evangelical movements are posing  political, social and  ethical
problems in secular India.

Western countries have made advancements by the virtue  of their natural
resources, political stability and many other reasons but certainly not
because of their religious faith and English language. Countries like
Russia, Japan, China, Germany, Israel too  have progressed without
having Christian religion or English language as their base.

Indians are migrating to other countries for better prospects not only
to Christian countries but Muslim Gulf countries and Budhist East Asian
Countries also.



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