With all the religious bigotry going around, I am beginning to see some widom 
in the words that "Religion is the opium of the masses" attributed to the  late 
Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin.
  I am not an atheist.  I am a practicing Catholic.  But I see dangerous 
elements of fanaticism in many religious beliefs, including intolerance of the 
beliefs or non-beliefs of others. To poor
  unsophisticated people, religion is the ultimate salvation from their 
miseries.  They worship unquestionably, praying to statues and other religious 
icons as though they are a personification of God, rather than symbolic visual 
aids.  At times I admire the blind faith of these simple people, as it is so 
simple and uncomplicated.  But unscrupulous political elements and sometimes 
religious heirachies take advantage of these poor people to further their own 
nefarious activities.
  To me religion helps reinforce one's moral compass.  I am not what has been 
called a 
  "cafeteria Catholic" picking and choosing what I want to believe.  But 
neither am I a moron
  to unquestionably accept every mystery because someone over the years has 
pronounced it to be the unquestionable Truth.  I am after all a rational 

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