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Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2008 17:19:13 +0000
From: Ana Maria Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Ann Marie writes - 
It is easy to blame our elected leaders. Please do not
blame them.
Blame ourselves for electing them. Many priests have
also been behind such politicians and are responsible
to get them elected. Why can?t we select our own mLA ?

Corruption is seen every where even with church
leaders, pardon me. 
Money collected for charity we do not know who is
using them. 
Mario adds:
Ann Marie,
You are pardoned because you are absolutly right about
the electorate in India.  However, does that absolve
the wholesale corruption among many Indian
I am in India for an unexpectedly longer than usual
visit for personal reasons and am increasingly 
bemused by the mass schizophrenia in India.
On the one hand this country of high-IQ individuals -
far more as a percentage I would bet than most other
countries - is booming economically, and have a
middle-class of high achievers that exceeds the entire
population of the USA.  The middle-class Indian work
ethic makes the Protestant work ethic look like a
bunch of modern lazy, self-indulgent western
On the other hand, at the street level, its public
persona is an abysmal mess [incredibly dirty, untidy,
smelly, chaotic, cynical, callous of strangers,
corrupt, large scale cheating on income taxes] anyway
you look at it - and the interesting part is that they
either look through the mess or don't care - even the
ones who have lived abroad and should know better
exhibit the most callous behavior when they are back
They have this tremendous delusion of being the next
superpower, and while they certainly have the
potential, and would have been there already if not
for 50 wased years of socialism - they need to realize
they need to clean up their act - and I mean that
literally - before they can have any hopes of having
the quality of life for most Indians that
distinguishes a superpower from other countries.
The corruption is simply a part of life in India. 
There is nothing that cannot be bought here for the
right amount of "black" money.  Nowhere else will you
find politicians running for office from behind bars -
and getting elected, over and over again.

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