Saktipada Ghosh wrote :

>This is in connection to our Panaji city and the unsocial dirt within.

>We feel proud of our city.

>To look into it we have to move  to St. Inez area beyond Maduban


No wonder  St.Inez area beyond Madhuban complex along with  open nullahs
on both side in our  Panaji city   is rapidly turning into a shabby slum
area with mushrooming of huts put  up by Ghatis. This open nullha has
become a convenient place for these ghatis for defecating  and dumping
place for waste. 

We have to get rid of these unwanted ghatis from Goa especially those
countless migrants who have made our city of  Panaji as their espoused
home. The influx of migrant workers is leading to social intricacy
here.  I think it is high time the Government and CCP should take action
against those  contractors / Builders  who do not take responsibility to
provide temporary accommodation and sanitation facilities for the
workers they bring in.  

But there is other face of the truth that this encroachment would not
have been possible without courtesy of patron saints of our CCP
corporators  who have helped these ghatis to settle illegally  and
helped in issuing ration cards as a proof of domicile to garner their
vote bank. It is disgusting to  find almost all the places in Panaji
swamped by these uncivilised migrants who are  loitering around in our
neighborhood in drunken state spitting and pissing around wherever they
find convenient.




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