Hello Goanet,

There are two very important things to remember when looking at the
disgraceful baying against M. F. Husain which has had the effect of
hounding a grand old man from his homeland.

1) Few in the ragged mob of Husain-bashing extremists have actually
seen the paintings they are so eager to burn. To pick just one example
from a very recent post on Goanet, there is no Husain painting of
"nude sita in a sexually explicit pose with hanuman."

2) Husain has a huge number of paintings in a very long, improbable
and distinguished career. These include literally thousands which
interpret episodes and themes from our common cultural inheritance.
Anyone familiar with this ouevre will attest to Husain's overtly
devotional treatment of Indian themes, prominently shaded by Hinduism,
in a lifelong trend that's lasted a solid sixty years!  You may not
like his art, or respect it very much (I confess I'm in this
category), but it is  entirely shameless to pillory Husain on
trumped-up charges.

This recent interview with Husain, from Tehelka magazine, is poignant
and revealing: 


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