>ANTHONY (NRI Goan) wrote:

>Government must give 100% Reservation For Goans in Government >Sector
and 75% 

>Reservation For Goans in Private Sector.

>Then I am sure, many Goans who are working Abroad and other parts of 

>Indian States will come back to Goa to work & settle in Goa.

>By this Policy, Goans Majority, Identity & Culture will remain intact.


I would like to add couple of  more points.

1. regarding age limit criteria for Government or Private sector jobs.

The returning NRIs/NRGs  who would like to work back in India / Goa
should get relaxation in age limit for applying  Gov/Private  Jobs back
in their home country. I remember many people who had to return to Goa
during invasion of Kuwait could not get jobs in Goa as many had crossed
eligible age limits. There are thousands of Goans  working  in Gulf
countries who do not have substantial savings even after working for
number of years due to very high cost of living in these countries
particularly those who brought their families with them as they have to
part major amount of their earnings for expenses such as house rent
which is very exorbitant here in Gulf countries in addition to  vehicle
maintenance, food and children's school fees and other. 

2. Secondly you need a huge capital to invest in business activity here
in Goa. If security/Guarantee requirements are relaxed in obtaining
Business loans would also be very helpful for NRGs to start their own
small venture in their motherland Goa.






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