Having monopoly on power and having it for too long breeds arrogance of
power and lack of accountability. Stagnation and arrogance of power
breeds corruption of which one example is a Communist rule in West
Bangal. Similar political culture is being repeated in  Goa too.  After
MGP's debacle most of the time Goa is ruled by unscrupulous Corrupt
Congress party  except for a short stint of  Manohar Parrikar led BJP
regime somewhere around  2000 to 2004 during this brief spell Goa was
freed from stagnation of power and  liberated from past hands of
rascals, rogues and free booters at least for a short period.

When a certain political party  is awarded a domination  in power
extensively,   no matter what it does as long as it maintains specific
vote-bank equations, it can lead to nothing but arrogance and brute
abuse of power as we have time and again witnessed in Congress rule in

This party is aided by the  cast ironed  perimeter of the prejudiced
mafia of mass Media especially the English one. Congress has been able
to promote corruption because it has acquired immunity from public
opinion. It enjoys lack of accountability to institutions and people as
both have been kept captive and committed to Congress. Media has worked
for congress rather than working for people's  enlightenment.

Vote-bank politics  either by minority appeasement or buying the
gullible voters with ill gotten money  is  Congress party has been
indulging for years  has built  a wall of immunity, invincibility and
lack of answerability on their part  to the voters who have brought them
to power in spite of knowing that it is the most corrupt party full of
rascals and scamsters. Its fraudulent ant tainted old guard leaders are
winning every elections even after known facts of their involvement in

Congress can do anything and can get away with it as witnessed in recent
illegal house prorogation incident. It can bend  the rules of the game
the way it wants It has one set of rules for its own Governments  and
another for the rest including political opponents. It can openly  or
selectively breach  the spirit of constitution and tenants of democracy
for its survival.





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