, On 16/02/2008, Vinay Natekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
1: Congress is the biggest fascist and communal party
2: It has ruled for over 50 years of post independence out of 60 years
by keeping people uneducated and illiterate
3: In Goa Congress has succeeded in imbibing  a permanent imprint on
mindset of catholic population that BJP is a communal and Hindu's
4: Thus even knowing that Congress party is filled with corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians, they stand by them and elect them
5: Congress  is much responsible for influx of migrants in Goa by
legalizing their slum settlements with electricity connections,
providing them with ration and voter cards to improve their vote tally
which has disturbed the demographic scenario in the state.
6: Congress is shamelessly delaying carrying out  death sentence
ordered by Supreme Court to Mohd Afzal the traitor who masterminded
attack on parliament.
7: Congress filed blasphemous affidavit thru its ASI (Archeological
Survey of India) regarding existence of Lord Ram to please its
coalition partner DMK.

jc's comments:

re 1: I wonder if Mr. Natekar looked up the meaning of the word
'fascist'.  If he did, it is unlikely that he would have called  a
socialist party like Congress  as being Fascist  - a term which goes
hand in hand with 'ultra-nationalist' parties.

re 2: This is a blatant lie. IF there is one thing good the Congress
did - it was to make education and opportunities available to the
masses of the poor of India. Mr. Natekar may get hypertensive about
this but the other entity which did this is the Catholic Education
System which can boast (rightfully) of having providing solid
education to individuals of ALL religions e.g.  Ashok  Chowgule  (St.
Paul's, Belgaum), Sandeep Heble (Don Bosco's Panjim), Parvez Musharraf
& LK Advani (St Patrick's, Karachi),  Suresh Kalmadi (St Vincent's,
Poona), Sunil Gavaskar (St Xavier's College, Bombay), etc etc

re 3: I am not sure that one can imbibe something on another. I always
thought that the word "imbibe" denoted self. Having said that I invite
Mr. Natekar to expand on that thought.

re 4: This is the opportunity for Mr. Natekar to name the corrupt,
tainted and scandalous politicians that (Catholic) Goans elect
repeatedly and with whom the BJP has NOT made convenient political
alliances. For balance, he may wish to name other corrupt, tainted and
scandalous politicians with whom the BJP has made alliances.

re 5: I must advise Mr. Natekar of two facts of life. (a) As of Dec
1961, every single Indian citizen has the Constitutional right to
freely enter, move and reside in Goa. (b) the first initiator of
migrant slum development in Goa was the MGP's Dayanand Bandodkar.
Please vide Rajan Parrikar's picture of the slum in what is called
Zuarinagar.  The more recent mass movement of migrants has been
facilitated by the Konkan Railway (Thank you George Fernandes). Now
.... hit and run is like a piece of cake. The slum dwellers in Dongor
apparently voted for Digambar Kamat when he contested on a BJP ticket.
How does the Congress get the credit for this? ....and there was a
plan for Cuncolim!

re 6: I am biased on this point. I oppose the Death Penalty. I also
believe that state killing creates martyrs out of bandits and
increases the level of violence which then kills innocents.  BTW:
There were many bandits operating in and around pre-1961 Goa. They
attacked civilian targets - only to later proclaim themselves as
Freedom Fighters.  Please view the footnote of this article

re 7: Please advise us about the Ram Sethu project esp wrt WHICH party
was in govt when the project was approved

Nuff said for now


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