I am responding below only to relevant points which Mingel answered to
my post. I have ignored  rest of his rant.

Mingel wrote:  

It appears to be rather obvious that Vinay not only does not know party
politics and polemics in Goa, but that he is also weak in English. One
should not use words one does not understand. It impresses no one. 



Dear Professor Mingel, Thanks for your discovery about my lack of
knowledge of Goan politics and in your opinion polemics as well.  When
you are master of Goan politics  what are you doing here on Goanet you
should have begged Congress Party ticket and contested election in
Mhapusa alongwith NCP candidate Ryan Braganza. You might  have put some
dent in Francisco Desouza's vote tally even if you could not have saved
your Deposit. Regarding weakness of my English, this language is neither
my mother tongue nor yours. So instead of straining your wits better try
to understand the context what I want to convey. Secondly I believe I
have not done my C.A. in romi konkani. Regarding my use of word for
Congress party as "Fascist" I stand by it and can provide you a dozens
of instances to prove my stance.


The rise of the BJP was not only due to the rabble rousing rhetoric of
the Hindu nationalism that it propounded, but also because it offered a
full alternative to the decrepit arrogance of the Congress Party led by
the Gandhi family caucus which believed they were like the Emperor-Gods
of pre Mughal era. This had lead to a bloated culture of one party rule,
resulting in  Nehru-Gandhi family leaders, dispensing licences and
fiefdoms and sewing the seeds of India's degradation in order to
preserve its own powerhouse.


Mingel wrote:   

That the Congress has ruled over India for 50 years says something for
its staying power. Why did the shine go out of the BJP in just one term
of 5 years?



The BJP is proud of its achievements and record in government at the
center in just 5 Years. The party was inspired by the leadership of
Vajpayee the undisputed and charismatic leader who took BJP to great
heights. The NDA  unfortunately  lost the general election of 2004. A
margin of only seven seats displaced the BJP as the single largest party
in the Lok Sabha. This was a setback but it has not eroded the BJP's
position as the premier democratic organization over others being family
managed run citadels.


Mingel wrote:   

BTW on whose votes did Manohar-bab win in Panaji? Not catholic votes by
any chance? On whose votes did Rajendra Arlekar, Babush D'Souza, Prakash
Phadte and some other BJP guys win? Are their constituencies not migrant
dominated when it comes to votes polled?



Don't apply your vacuous presumptions  without doing a proper ground
survey. The prudent catholic voters have whole heartedly supported
Manohar Parrikar in Panaji. The migrant votes have always been
stronghold of Congress since that party was in power for most of the
time and is in better position to buy their votes.


Mingel wrote: 

Educational performance of Goans do not show such caste and religious
differences, why do Government departments do even under the Congress?



It is common notion of proportion. Hindus are 65% of total population so
how you expect them to constitute in disproportionately lower   ratio in
Govt dept jobs ? 





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