Since Navinchandra Ramgoolam, the Prime Minister of Mauritius & his party have 
been in power, they have travelled the world persuading countries they visited, 
to invest in Mauritius.
  The Republic of Mauritius came about in 1968, the first President was his 
father Sir Seewoosegur Ramgoolam who found hard to gain Independance from 
England, succeeding March 2nd 1968, this is now 30 years in couple of weeks 
  The main issue everyone has in their lives, is WHERE DID I COME FROM?  Who 
are my parents, and who where their parents?  Where did we originate from?
  Maurtius is a volcanic island & had no indigenous peoples until the Arab 
nation discovered it.  They did not stay long, it was abandoned for a while, 
then came the Portuguese who found it a paradise but did nothing on the island, 
just took what they could (familiar....?), then the Dutch came and settled it. 
  They found the slaves they needed (from the African continent, "the Creole 
people"), and thus began the sugar can harvest.  Trees & bushes were cleared to 
plant sugar cane, 80% of the land was cleared over time, after all the 
"western" world loved sugar & this system was set up to ensure a good supply, 
make money for the landlords of the islands................... & the slaves 
cost next to nothing.
  The slave trade was about to end & what would happen to all the sugar 
plantations?  The West Indies & other countries in tropical climes could no 
longer keep slaves, so they came up with a brilliant idea!
  How about getting cheap labour?  So cheap that you will hardly have to pay 
much more than what the slaves cost........... indentured labour!  Why of 
course, this was the answer to their tribulations.
  India gave up its it's poor & indebted to ship them off to Mauritius, the 
Dutch were overtaken by the French & they prospered well. The British did not 
like this, so they fought over the island & won, so for over a  hundred years, 
the indentured labour from India, arrived at Port Louis, the capital via the 
"slave gate" better known as                which has been made a UNESCO 
recognised site, followed by Le Morne, a small mountain where hundreds of 
slaves had commited suicide rather than fall into the hands of the soldiers, 
who were ironically coming to tell them they were to be freed.  
  But knowing what happens to runaway slaves and their families, they decided 
to jump off the side of the mountain, to their deaths.  A very sad & sorrowful 
story, but this site has been recognised by UNESCO also.
  Over fifty percent of the population is of Hindu origin (inc Tamils & other 
southern States of India).  Ramgoolam & his cabinet are comprised of the 
majority of Hindu religion, with other faiths lately being accepted in this 
party, including Muslim, Chinese & Creole (Catholics). Of the 20 cabinet posts, 
the majority are Hindu members of Parliament, but this is not to say this is a 
Hindu "organisation"....... as such. 
  The Mauritian people are seeking their ancestral home, many want to go back 
on visits to the areas of their ancestors, thousands have travelled to 
different parts of India to visit relatives over the years, but they see 
themselves as PIO & this is a good thing.  Some Mauritians have taken the 
"western" route & travelled instead to different parts of Europe, mainly France 
& UK but many as far as Canada & USA also.  Switzerland, Germany & Italy are 
also places of interest.
  My wife is Mauritian of Tamil descent & considers herself a PIO, which she is 
but the Indian Goverment does not consider her, or her paternal or maternal 
line PIO, legally.  This is why we had such problems, since I am not a PIO I 
could not settle in Goa, nor could my wife.  We both dearly love to be in Goa, 
my childhoold memories go back half a century and more, but that is as far as I 
can go, I cannot turn my dream into a reality, I left in 1961 so not allowed 
back to live................ such a shame!

But we made our beds, we purchased out land in Maurtius & will live there, with 
our children. I would like to do one thing for my wife, and my children before 
I leave this life, and that is to restore my beloved wife's PIO credentials & 
hope & pray that The PM of Republic of Mauritius succeeds in having this people 
of PIO recognised by the Indian Government, so that they can if they decide at 
a future date to live in Goa (or anywhere else in India), that they can have 
the legal right to do so, including owning their own house, which at this time 
they cannot legally do so.
  The population of Mauritis is only ONE PERCENT of India's & around a HALF of 
these are PIO, so this is not much to ask is it?  Remember too, that of the 
half, its only a minority who will want to be recognised as so, the others 
preferring to live as French or British, German or Italian, or American or 
Canadian, not unlike the Goans now spread across the Globe, many not intending 
on coming back, some only visiting occasionally when finances or conscience 
will allow.................
  Good luck to ALL Mauritians who seek their ancestral homeland & if originally 
from India, be recognised as PIO, legally, good luck to you all.  I wish I 
could trace my Portuguese ancestry in Goa, I have been trying but failed at 
every hurdle, may the Goans who have migrated & lost contact with their 
ancestral homeland be given the help of the Goan government to trace their 
  John Monteiro

Nicholas DSouza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote : I see that the government of 
Mauritius is about to help persons of Indian origin there trace their roots in 
India. See wonder if the 
government of Goa could help Goans who have migrated elsewhere do likewise.I am 
sure people would appreciate such a gesture and also avail of this opportunity 
to draw up their family trees before the records in Goa get 
obliterated.Nicholas de Souza


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