Even as the dust settled on the newspaper carrying
headlines of a certain BJP government wanting to sell
refined cow urine, this new nugget of wisdom by the
BJP outdid that one.


The BJP, ever the custodian of Indian values wants to
ban beauty contests. Now, beauty contests have had
their day in the West and are on the wane, but that
has come about as a result of ennui, not as a result
of someone forcing their personal values onto the
collective morality of a society.

The BJP is not a party of democracy, it is infact a
party that fosters very undemocratic positions, much
like its Muslim counterparts in countries like
Pakistan, Syria and Iran. It represses critical
thinking and hinders the great leap into modernity. A
few decades of this and India will be on its
intellectual knees. Surely, we are not so
intellectually bankrupt to foster such a party in our

Will the moderates in the party please stand up?


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