In the recent Scarlet Keeling murder case at Anjuna, a lot of questions are 
left unanswered, which bring to the fore incompetence or utter corruption; and 
it is left for the people to conclude.
Were the police ignorant that consented sex with a minor amounts to rape? If 
the person arrested could have consented sex with the victim, can he be the 
person to sexually assault her at the beach and at that odd hour? Is he made 
the ‘scapegoat’? As it was reported that she was found semi-nude with slippers 
and underwear elsewhere, was she forcefully raped by one or more before being 
done to death by drowning?
It was reported in a section of the press that there were witnesses to the 
assault, but have left Goa for fear of their lives. Who are the people who have 
the power to be a threat to the lives of witnesses?
It was also reported that the first autopsy report had a supplement attached. 
Why should there be a supplement? Was this procedure dictated so that jugglery 
could be done? After all, doctors at GMC are government servants; and GMC 
doctors have not forgotten that their Professor and Head of Forensic, Dr. J.K. 
Sharma died some 3 decades back when a police jeep he was travelling in after 
attending a court case, went off the road and down the hill. The jeep driver 
was blamed that he was drunk, (but not drunk enough to be able to save himself 
by jumping off the jeep). And Dr. Sapeco was his student, and now holding his 
 Goa has turned totally commercial even in fields of the Fourth Estate, Law and 
sadly even Medical. The news that is fed to the public through the dailies is 
seldom the bare facts; but gossip, with added salt and spices.

yours sincerely, 
Dr. Ferdinando dos Reis Falcão.

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