For the most part Gilbert, one does not read your ramblings but you
are on the dot on this one.

Unfortunately, raves (I have never been to one though I am still young
in years and my hair wild and curly) are meant to be a happy event but
are tainted with the presence dealers. They are events where one gets
into another level, stage if you will and dance away and see colors
and with the help of some chemicals. They may be bad for ones
long-term health but so are all those chemicals one feeds ones pet
hens no?

And efficiency was never in the Goa police vocab: has GP (cops) ever
solved a crime one can remember. Their only claim to fame was they
once (likely by accident) got their hands on Sobraj but aside from
that, nothing to show for. But everyone was looking for Sobraj and he
was not difficult to spot. Their uniforms soiled and stained, their
paunches over grown gulping ill-gotten loot. And the bafoon of GP
inspector Kishan Kumar said everyone was blaming the cops on the
Keeling affair. Blaming? This Kumar should be sent packing to the hole
he came from. He blamed the doc who  conducted the autopsy. Were the
cops blind......there is a body, a body with marks of
violation........are the cops so dumb?

And pardon me, no amount of research will show you otherwise: Goans
are dealers, and our social and political life reflects that. Take a
good look around at the political cesse pool. We pride ourselves as
paradise? Someone said that we Goans are responsible; I think not but
in the larger picture, yes we are. And here is why:
-we make a living of tourism for the most part.
-we promote out homeland as a tourist paradise.
-we failed to ever speak up about the K*shmiri carpet traders (please
do the math  and align the dots if you know what I mean)
-we failed to ever speak up about our cops, our very very useless
cops, and inspire of producing a star like Julio Ribeiro.
-we failed and failed time and again to clean up  our act...electing
corrupt leaders with no foresight nor vision, no leadership nor

And for the Goa government to bite the hand that fed them is again a
reflection of our 'dealer' mentality. May one remind everyone that
Goa's climb to fame was the early hippies who nurtured and gently
lived their lives and gave us an image of paradise. They are still
around, retreated to the interiors of Anjuna and we must never forget


On Sun, Mar 9, 2008 at 8:34 PM, Gilbert Lawrence
> I read Jeremy Page's as well as Andrew Buncombe's article and a few Goanet 
> posts on this topic.
>  If the Goan police were efficient, they would have cleaned up Anjuna beach a 
> long time ago.  If Goans were smart they would close it down today. Instead 
> some academics are "researching" Anjuna beach and the Rave social scene for 
> their thesis and their PhD degrees.

>  > A girl's death reveals grim party paradise by Jeremy Page:

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