This restaurant is a complete rip off ?

Yesterday, we decided to go for a dinner at a restaurant ‘Alisha’ located
immediately after the Mandovi bridge (Betim). It is like any other road-side

This was once very popular until the newly started 'celebrations'?

Besides, other items, I wanted prawns (fried) and ‘Xit Koddi’

We started with drinks first (one & half qtr IB) Rs.83
3 Sodas Rs. 24 (all prices as per the bill see Pic  below- no Menu card given).

We then ordered Prawns (90) and Squids Chilli Fry (80)

And green salad (25).

When asked for rice plate or thali, we were told that thali is only served at
lunch time and that we could order ‘Special Fish Curry Rice’. When asked what
comes with it? We were told KingFish Curry, rice but no fried fish.  We ordered
just one as only me who wanted to have ‘Xit Kodi’.

We ordered one bottle of mineral water (Rs.15)

As usual, we started to guess the bill, I said around 340, she said 320.

But to our surprise, the bill was neither 340 nor 320 but Rs.452.

We started checking the bill in detail, there was one item charged at Rs.110
and that Fish Curry.  We said to ourself ‘Avoissss, Xit koddi itu marogu?’

But then again there was something else charged at Rs.25 (was not very clear

We asked the waiter (we don’t normally ask if the bill is within our
expectation), he was not sure himself, so he went down to ask the person who
made the bill, he came up saying that Rs.25 charged for plain rice (which was
otherwise a part of Fish curry rice).

The  so called special fish curry rice actually cost me Rs.135 and not 110.

That’s it!   ‘Never again’  bye bye Alisha

See the bill (scanned)

As a frequent visitor to restaurants, I know very well difference between the
fish curry rice and special fish curry rice. Special fish curry rice price
ranges from 40 to 80 with Prawns curry and rice,  same rice but special fish
and veggie, etc.  whatever it is, rice is always part of it and never charged

It was sad we being Goans are charged at this rate. God only know how the
tourist/foreigners  are charged.

Next, we will visit another restaurant ‘Celebrations’ close to the above and I
understand it is run by the ‘Bhosles’ (Café Bhosle).

if u can't see a bill here, pl clik on the link above


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