                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Goanet wakes up Porrikar, but on the wrong side...

My recent post on Goanet on why Porrikar is silent
despite of the rape cum murder of a British tourist
seems to have finally woken up porrikar from his
slumber, but unfortunately Porrikar as usual taken a
calculated and long observing stand on the case so as
to extract maximum mileage.

to the credit of the BJP and Porrikar's super
intelligence, Porrikar has finally woken from his
slumber and made a statement demanding the arrest of
nerlon albuqerque the cop who allegedly was paid to
lie in his investigation and finally paid the price
for it.

If Porrikar knew politics, he would have demanded the
resignation of Ravi Naik and not the police, who very
often are made scapegoats.

Comeon Porrikar, i bet being out of power, your common
sense has not been corroded, not with so many spin
doctors and well wishers and doctor followers on
Goanet...you can certainly do better.

Kind regards
Cedric da Costa

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