                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Jerry Fernandes wrote: 

Why come people don't vote BJP to Power ? If BJP is such a great party,
who looks for the betterment of Goa, than why cant Goans in general look
at it?  It?s a great mystery, wish you could tell me why.


My Response :

The reason people of Goa not voting BJP to power as per my first
approximation is a vast section of our Goan voters are ignorant, corrupt
and casteist. This is one of the reason why we vote the current vacuous
politicians in ruling  Congress  consistently  in spite of knowing that
they are fraud and criminals. Some  of Goan voters can easily be swayed
by these corrupt politicians either by caste, religion, regionalism,
economic enticement or offering  personal favour. Since arrival  of
Congress party in Goa its leaders have been constantly elected on caste
and religion. Congress is using this schism  to get to power by pitting
castes and religions against each other. It is our fault that we
repeatedly vote for these crooks and politicians with criminal

Wise, well informed , broad minded and intelligent voters will not
continue to vote these bunch of thieves regularly These politicians are
elected from our general population so they are representative of the
population who elected them which reflects the quality of our voters.

Power corrupts and absolute power stagnated for quite long period
corrupts absolutely. There is big money in politics and undoubtedly it
attracts filthiest minds and if this trend goes on  unchecked, it will
be a dooms day for us one day.

The Congress have created chaos in Goa in its sell out of Goan land to
outsiders, the hill cutting, agricultural land conversion and regional
plan 2011 and SEZs (which are forcibly scrapped now) . The Congress
party is full of internal contradictions and is unable to provide a
stable  and performing Government. 

We needed a strong regional party because we know the current  CM
Diggubab is the weakest CM we had after liberation who do not have spine
and have to rely on Congress high command for every single decision for
Goa's day today administration.

The MGP and UGDP has outlived its purposes and it is time to send these
parties to oblivion. The NCP is the other side of same coin called
Congress. Other opportunistic regional outfits like SGF have lost its
credibility as evident by acts of its elected members. The parties like
Su-Raj though they have good agenda,  have no strong hold in Goan
politics  and can align with winning power if manage to get one or two

So it is the time we should consider of bringing  back a able
administrator like Parrikar to power forgetting  our religious and caste
differences  for the development of Goa.





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