                  2008 International Goan Convention
                            Toronto, Canada

         Early Bird Discount Registration closes March 31, 2008


Madkaikar going the Victoria way

We all know how Victoria Fernandes aka Mummy allegedly
sold her political career to Digamber Kamat for a
price to withdraw her fast and lie low.

A few months later Pandurang madkaikar, one of the
most spineless and corrupt ministers all through has
followed in the precident laid down by Victoria in
selling his soul including his back side to Digamber
Kamat and the Congress for a bargain to lie low.

The very fact that Modkoikar was selected to be
dropped like a hot potato speaks volumes of the fact
that the congress had estimated him to be a spineless

Shame modkoikar...you have proved that you are bought
over by Digamber kamat...i feel sorry for your
voters...all those empty threats to resign...yuck! the
whole plot stinks....worst than the overflowing
garbage on Goan roads...

Cedric da Costa

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