Anand Virgincar note the following:

1: Goa's gross domestic product has increased from approximately 10
million US dollars in 1980 to an estimated 3500 million US dollars in
2007....And remember, we are only taking the white economy into
account here.

2: Has the living standard of the average Goan increased in proportion to this ?

3: If not , where has the money gone ?

4: I submit that there is no point in just pouring charitable finances
into Goa.

5: Before that , we need to decrease the leakage.

6: And the only way to do it is to have a stable, competent and
responsible government in situ over a long term.


jc's response:

a: I agree entirely with what Anand has written above.

b: Because of my limited knowledge of economic matters, I'd apply two
calculating factors to limit the skew between 1980 and 2007 i.e. the
escalation of the cost of Xitkodi and the depreciation of the value of
the USD. In effect then, it can be said that Goa's GDP in 1980 was 500
million PDD (present day dollars).

c: Anand's question remains as relevant for 1980 as it is for 2007.
Where has the money gone?

d: It might also be of worth to recap the 'spin' which had been
marketed for years that most of Goa's wealth (and "gold") was swiped
by the Portuguese!. Interesting stuff!!. With all the alleged swiping,
Portugal remained poor and some of the Goans and Maharashtrians became
filthy rich. Wah re Wah!

e: There is no need to be an Einstein to decipher where the money went
and will continue to go.

f: It is crucial to realise that the land and clean water resources of
Goa are being demolished while Goan Catholics and Hindus are being
divided by nonsense like bogus history VideoCDs and fairy tale stories
about the 1950s alleged Freedom Fighters. Where are they or theirs
now? Should we not sue them for Negligence?.

g: I add my extra support to the point that in order 'to decrease the
leakage' Goa needs a 'a stable, competent and responsible government
in situ over a long term'. I add a caveat to that. Such a government
must not have its apron strings to a partisan group who can call the
shots from Delhi.

h: At this moment - it rules out Digambar Kamat and Manohar Parrikar
in their present dispositions.

i: I am a firm believer in Manohar Parrikar's ability to lead a
stable, competent, responsible and less corrupt government in Goa for
a prolonged period. What I am not convinced of - is his ability to
shake of the apron strings which tie him to the very same financial
leaks that Anand writes about. I am also not convinced that Manohar
Parrikar is either willing or able to shake off his RSS connections.

j: That inability or unwillingness on Parrikar's part will make him
incapable of providing the type of government that Anand is rightly
suggesting for goa.

k: I do understand that it is unfair for anyone to ask Manohar
Parrikar to cut loose from the RSS. It is also unfair for anyone to
expect that a continuing RSS Manohar Parrikar will be any less
inequitable than he was the last time around.

l: It is a catch 22 that Goa will unfortunately have to live with and
suffer as a result of.

m: The writing has always been on the wall: When two members of the
same family cannot compromise enough to build trust amongst each
other, a "bhaillo" will swipe their sheth ani bhaatt!



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