To Goanet -

Arwin Mesquita wrote:
>Goans should support your right to your identity/interests,
>likewise please respect our right to the same.


I hear you, and empathize with your sentiments.

Right now, the first order of business is to save 
Goa from the Save Goa movements.  The other day
we had Dr. Oscar Rebello, Convener of GBA, claim 
on national TV that there is no such thing as a Goan
and non-Goan.  There is a thriving cottage industry 
of  these snakes-in-the-grass activists here, these
self-aggrandizing, self-promoting fellows who first
ride on the aspirations of the common Goan folk 
and then use the popular campaigns to further 
their own personal and political agendas.

Dr. Oscar Rebello should be asked to step down 
as Convener of GBA since in my emphatic opinion 
he no longer represents the wishes and aspirations 
of the Goan people.  Au contraire, his utterances
are guaranteed to subvert them.



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