Amidst some other rather pressing preoccupations, finally managed
to find the time to see the interview. Much food for thought here
(127 minutes of it!), and a few more viewings will be needed to
process and analyse it.

But that's another story for another day. Meanwhile, it is clear
that the initiators of this idea, the producers and crew -- as
well as, of course, both the Parrikars in the title -- have
obviously invested a lot of time, thought and effort in this
venture. Others have also chipped in, by suggesting questions. I
would have a suggestion for the producers, so that all this hard
work gets the widest possible audience.

Could they prepare transcripts of this interview and supply them
to all the local newspapers published in the three languages
widely spoken in Goa? While I have often heard the internet being
hyped as the media frontier of the future, the reality as of today
is that the digital divide in India is very marked. This is very
much true of Goa too, which has one of the most literate,
prosperous and technologically savvy populations of any part of
India. If one is to reach a larger audience, the print media is
vital. The newspapers would be able to scrutinise and use the
transcripts to reach a  much wider audience.

Else, this may end up being just one more storm in a cyber-teacup
of which we have at least three a day on Goanet, not to speak of
other internet forums. :-)

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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