On 25 Apr 2008 08:25:50 -0000, jane gillian rodrigues
>  As per e-mails below, today, many Indians try their best to take full 
> advantage of  the fact that they belong to SC/ST and OBC, because 
> reservations for SC/ST and OBC in govtmt jobs and govtmt educational 
> instritutions are increasing, thanks to Mr. Arjun Singh of Congress.
>  Check out all Indian candidates who have got admission through reserved 
> seats (SC/ST and OBC)in govtmt medical, engineering etc. educational 
> institutions and govtmt jobs and ask them, why they have done so,  and, why, 
> they have  not taken admission  in to "general/unreserved" admission category?
>  Regards

RESPONSE: Now I really like this query! When it suits they cry foul
and if not they take advantage of their low Caste. Surely if Caste is
to be abolished altogether and we all agree it must, then it must
imply a level playing field for all. Many Indians who are smart,
complain that they are not admitted because someone who has lower
grades belonged to a S/T. S/C or OBC, got in, because the system was

Incidentally, it happens on similar basis here in the U.K. as well
when renowned Universities were ordered to take more students from
poor back grounds. The problem is, you can take the horse to the
trough but you can't make it drink.

Gabe Menezes.
London, England

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