Cheers Dears
By Augusto Pinto

The New Raj


I rode my Thunderbird into Moira Petrol Station and was greeted with a "Damn the Brits!!" by its sprightly 80 year old sole proprietor cum attendant, Cal. Cal's actual name is Valentine but everyone calls him Cal and not Val because he's a calculating old bird. He can calculate exactly how much he can adulterate the gas without running afoul of the authorities.

"What's with you Cal, why should we damn the Brits? Half my relatives and yours are Brits. Don't damn them."

Cal is an ex-Afrikander and he calls me Toto which means child in Swahili. "Yes we should Toto. And damn all you Moidekars too!! Don't you realise they are taking over the village, man?"

"Hey cool it Cal, and just give me the gas" I said. Cal shoved the nozzle of the petrol dispenser into my tank and continued,"Do you know Toto,there is this Brit who has built the a replica of the Windsor Castle in Moira, and he races up and down the narrow roads in his Sherman-tank-like-Bolero scattering the Moidecars like chaff before the wind. And what do the Moidekars do?"

"Nothing" I said,"What's the harm in him zipping around the village at top speed? At most he could bump off a couple of kids. They're pests anyway"

Cal continued unmindful, "And now, you know what, Toto - he's building a moat round the castle." "Why does he want to do that, Cal?" "You know what these Brits are like, Toto - they just love lolling around in the water. That moat is a swimming pool."

"Good idea, especially in this heat" I said.

"And where do you think the water will come from, Toto? As it is the villagers are complaining that the wells are drying up, and the Govt. tankers are not getting us water in time"

"Let him be, Cal - obviously he has the Pounds get the water. And in any case the authorities have probably given him permission to build a moat." "Damn the authorities!" said Cal, "They've given him permission to build a sump - not a moat or a pool."

"Same thing", I said. "And he's probably paid good money to get his permissions"

He yelled, "So as long as he pays someone money, all these lafdas are okay with you, is it? Tomorrow they'll give him permission to open a hotel and he'll open a brothel Is that okay with you too?" Why's the old bird whingeing, I thought - that seems like a pretty good idea to me.

Val went on,"And if you think he's just the lone exception, think again. There's a new Acrid housing project coming up, just opposite the Lourdes Chapel."

"How nice" I said, "So we'll be getting new neighbors"

"Yes, nice new pink skinned neighbors", he said. I protested,"You're being racist, Cal. It's not politically correct to speak about human beings like this." "Damn you and your politically correct speech!!" he roared. "Do you want another Raj? Do you want to be swamped by the Brits? Or for that matter by the Russsians and the Israelis?"

"How can you be so sure that the foriegners will be taking over, Cal"

"At starting prices of 2.5 crore who else can afford such places? And even if a couple of Indians buy up, I bet you they'll be as bad as the Brits. Maybe worse. Do you know, each of those bungalows has a separate swimming pool. Where's the water going to come from? Do you know what we're in for Toto?"

"What Cal?" I asked. He replied. "The congregation that comes for Sunday mass will no longer be listening to the Padre's sermons"

"What will they be doing Cal?" I asked."They'll all be staring at the Brits and Israelis and Russians sunbathing in the nude. There'll be no shame left, I tell you."

As I kick started the old Thunderbird, I thought about the prospect. And it seemed good. What do you say, dears?

Cheers  (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the April 30, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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