                      **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                  The Rape of Goa - A photo documentary
                            Rajan P. Parrikar

       Venue: Menezes Braganza Art Gallery, Panjim, May 21-24, 2008


  This is not a game of tennis, you are just keeping the fires of hate alive, 
and think you have some great plan to outwit the offended.  Shame on you.
  I dont know why you are raging at me.  We have all had our posts on this 
subject so dont have a go at me because you want to keep this subject alive 
because you feel your anti-Hindu stance gives you some inalienable right to 
comment upon it ad infinitum, not to mention ad nausium too.  And then 
reiterating the Nazi slant I put in some while ago on another subject to back 
up your claim for your inalienable right to express yourself on this forum.  
You can be a bore!  Get your facts in order...........  .
  I have NEVER in my life denied others their chance to do anything they wish, 
I only say that you cannot interferre in someone else's faith & then walk away, 
it was just an instance I was using to demonstrate that.  I surely do want this 
subject to come either to a hasty end so we can get on with other matters or if 
you have much more to add, then to say it all in one post, rather than spread 
it from her to kingdom come. You appear to be just like those Nazis who must 
cross every T and dot every I, its called being pedantic.
  After months, no YEARS of this subject being on the table, is it not time to 
call it day?  Its been a total waste of 'good energies' these past couple of 
weeks, not to mention the fact this was also discussed before I even come onto 
this forum 18 months ago. It was laid to rest then, but those who were 'new' to 
the subject had our say, now we are happy to put it to one side, dont accuse me 
of keeping this alive, I want it finished as soon as possible.
  We have all either vilified, praised or had our say on this subject, let it 
be, stop poisoning this forum, we all know the majority on this forum are 
Catholics, so this is ok, I am not concerned about it, nor am I concerned about 
Mr Hussain or his paintings, as I have put this behind me now.  You on the 
other hand appear to want to combine your hatred of the non-Catholics because 
it appears this is how you feel you have a right to do so, it makes no 
difference to anyone! Only you!  We are all getting above this now.
  I dont see where this has anything to do with Catholics in the first place, 
only perhaps say that what a wonderful job this man has done to by protraying 
his subjects in this way, but everyone DOES have a right to comment, as do I.  
I too have this right to make my point, either here on Goanet or elsewhere but 
with what I say come the responsibility for my action.
  I took a lot of stick from some Catholic Goanetters in much the same way some 
of them also wanted me stop looking up my paternal past, it was getting a bit 
hot under the collar for them, as I have now recently found out.  More on THAT 
  I temper my stand accordingly, I cannot stand up on stage and DEMAND my right 
to say as I wish, wherever I wish, but you think you can, then so be it, take 
the consequences of your actions, but dont involve me in your petty little 
arguments over this painter who was in it for money, and got it.  But along 
with the money came the fame and the praise from various groups, including some 
Hindus who had an agenda, dont say this is not the case.  It works both ways!  
No, it appears to work ALL ways as a matter of fact, everyone is wrong, 
everyone is right.
  There is no need for you to list what you can or cant do in THIS life, we all 
know you will do whatever you want, whenever you want and you have this 
inalienable right to do it, especially here on Goanet.  Only God can know what 
goes on in your mind, it seems very a petty of living if you dont mind me 
saying so, but its yours, all yours.  So go ahead, keep this subject alive & 
continue goading the Hindu nation when you actually should be speaking to the 
extremists (of all denominations), of which I am not one, nor am I a follower 
of any extreme religion, I have a faith, its not your faith, that's pretty 
obvious, but it does not make you a bad person, only being the person you are 
makes you seem sort of 'vunerable' & so you appear to have the need to lash 
  It seems to make you a determined person, a person with a massive chip on his 
shoulder, so go ahead, make your day, cause it aint making mine, nor anyone 
else's methinks..
  It is time to let this matter rest, the man is old, tired & frightened, so 
give it a rest, he was misguided, and he knows it, in what he did, admitted to 
it and even said he would destroy the offending paintings if this is what the 
law required. Fortunately for him the law did not require it, though some 
people, including myself suggested that he did, but now I have given up the 
ghost, as it were, fighting a losing batte.  The battle may be over but the war 
appears to be still going, thanks to you & your kind.
  I did not cast the first stone here, but I have contributed, as have many 
others, but this tooing & frooing has to stop at some point, it is getting us 
nowhere, perhaps the moderators may see where this is leading, and close the 
thread to this.  This whole debacle is nonsense on stilts!  
  If you wish to jump off the Mandovi bridge I would try to stop you from 
hurting yourself, oddly enough but if you feel this is your right, then I will 
not challenge you further, let you jump, even though you have no right to 
pollute the waters, but then I would not stand by and watch you fall either. I 
would call for assistance, to save you from yourself and your silly actions.
  I remember someone saying on this forum, more than once, something like "you 
have a right to swing your arm & fist around as much as you like, but your 
right to do so stops before it comes into contact with my nose/face" or words 
to that effect.  I like that saying, it means do and say what you like, I dont 
mind in the least, if you feel its your right to do so, but if you come into MY 
airspace, then your so-called rights are null and void,  I will react.
  I reacted to the paintings as I was introduced to them quite late, some a 
quarter of century too late, but no matter, its all over now, as far as I am 
concerned, the painter has lost all credibility with me, he said he would 
destroy the paintings if the law decreed, but the law did not ask or demand him 
to do this, but as 'a sign of goodwill towards the enemy' as it were, he ought 
to have donated all or some of his ill-gotten gains to charity for the homeless 
& destitute, of any or all religions.  I made a recommendation but not sure if 
this happened, (come on now, all of you, you know for SURE there was not a 
ruppee going to this ashram?) or if anyone has contributed one ruppee to this 
ashram for the Orphans & Elderly, but I live in hope.  Yes there is hope, even 
for you..  
  I pray they continue their good works, in much the same way as Mother Theresa 
did, she got the recognition she deserved, as do all those who do charitable 
works, many do not wish to be recognised, others like the Sivananda Sarawathi 
Sevashram, the director, Dr Rajaram is also a Padma Sri............. he took 
over from his father, who started it all, but I guess its too Hindu or too 
Indian for the likes of some of the Catholic Goans, where it appears Charity 
begins only at home..........
  Good luck in your rights, I can only assume you have earned them by the 
clever wordings, the sarcasm & endless / senseless ways in which you express 
them, well perhaps you have more rights than others, but I doubt it. 
  As for the posters you mentioned, I agree with you, they do help to keep 
things in perspective, albeit sometimes hard to swallow, I read them all and 
also others, including yours!  We need to remove the chaff from the wheat & be 
sensible here, we have reached our pinnacle now, time to let it go, continuing 
in this vein will only cause further discord. Its not always the written word 
that is the last word said, it is what is in your heart, no words on this Gods 
earth can put what they heart thinks into words,  That is why we have so many 
poets trying to find the way............ and painters (like Mr Hussain) 
also............ they all think its that easy!
  Oh by the way, Ostriches do not bury their heads in sand or any other 
material, nor do they bury any other parts of their body, unless you know 
  John Monteiro

John Monteiro wrote:............................................>>Let it go, 
please. Unlike bonfire night, you dont just light the fuse and walk away, you 
say a little prayer & get on with life, this is what its all about, no more 
poison on this please. Leave it alone, its been done to death.

Sandeep wrote (He & God only knows why..........): Quote truncated   '''' # If 
you do not like a particular painting, this does not mean that you must deny me 
my right to appreciate it. # If you do not like a book, you cannot not deny me 
my right to read it. # If you don't like a particular film, don't deny me my 
right to watch and enjoy it. # If your sentiments are hurt with some of our 
posts, just don't read them. It's as simple as 

Rights of Freedom of speech and Freedom of expression are sacrosanct
within a democratic.....................  We cherish our freedom and we do not 
want it to be held to ransom of the whims and prejudices of Radical Groups like 
Sanatan Sanstha and its offshoot Hindujanajagruti 

 On this note, may I remind you of a relevant quote:  "In Germany, they came 
first for the Communists, And I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Communist; 
And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn't speak up because I 
wasn't a trade unionist; And then they came for the Jews, And I didn't speak up 
because I wasn't a Jew; And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time 
there was no one left to speak up for me."..............

While Hussein, our National icon( Padmashree, Padmabhushan,
Padmavibhushan) is being vilified all across the 
State,................................. should we like
the ostriches bury our heads in the sand..................

It is only through forums like these that we can spread the voice of 
rationalism, Reason and common sense. Fortunately, Goanetters like Dr Helekar, 
Selma, Pravin, Marshall and many others are doing a commendable job in this 

If you do want this issue to die down................I am not through with this 
topic as yet, the beauty of all the other objectionable paintings has not been 
described by me as yet........

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