Navhind Times, 28 May 2008


PANAJI: The Goa Bachao Andolan, on Tuesday, rejected the interim
report submitted by the task force, questioning the methods used
to formulate it, say highly placed sources in the task force.

The GBA has alleged that the 73rd and the 74th amendments have not
been given proper weightage and the report is based on the old and
outdated Town and Country Planning Act as article 243Zd of the
Constitution makes it mandatory on the states to constitute
district planning committees for preparing the draft development plan.

The Union Planning Commission vide circular number
M-13011/1/2006-SP-Coord dated August 25, 2006 had issued
guidelines to every state government on constituting the DPCs and
preparing the district plans and subsequently the state government
constituted the DPCs u/s 239 of the Goa Panchayat Raj Act, 1994
vide government notification number 26/25/DP/DPC/S/2003 and
re-constituted, vide notification dated September 28, 2006.

Also, the Centre For Panchayati Raj, Peaceful Society had made a
presentation to the task force on regional plan 2021: the Goa,
Daman and Diu Town and Country Planning Act, 1974 [act 21 of 1975]
showing that under section 9 of which the regional plan 2021 is
sought to be prepared is ultra vires of the article 243 ZD of the
Constitution. The GBA is also critical of the amendment to Section
16 and 16A of the TCP.

Reportedly, technical members of the task force have also
expressed reservations about the amendment and argue that the
timeframe is unrealistic and the processes have not been finalised.

The government had also commissioned a group to conduct a pilot
project of six villages and three municipalities to integrate
people's views into a village development plan. Sources say that
though this group was appointed two months back with a timeframe
of five months, the work has still not started.

'The government has not published the notification regarding the
Council for Social Justice and Peace being part of the state level
facilitating team for the pilot project as it was agreed upon,'�
said the director of the Centre For Pachayati Raj-Peaceful
Society, Mr Sotter D' Souza and added that the Chief Minister, Mr
Digambar Kamat was supposed to do this, two months back.

The GBA has also reportedly sought to know why the social audit of
the previous regional plans was not undertaken and no scientific
analysis, especially economic review, was done.

Mr Amol Navelkar of 'Utt Goenkara,' a key member of the GBA,
earlier, speaking to '˜The Navhind Times' had said that he was not
in favour of the GBA being part of the task force and put his
objections down. It is reliably learnt that this protest will also
be taken up at the government level, soon. Incidentally, the head
of the task force and the government is the same, that is the
Chief Minister, Mr Digambar Kamat.

It may be recalled that in a press note released recently, the GBA
had demanded that the government repeal the above-mentioned
ordinance. The GBA had also demanded that all other proposals,
notifications, executive orders and instructions contrary to the
task allotted to the Task Force be withdrawn immediately and
wanted the government to make public the proceedings of the task
force to ensure transparency and accountability and had warned
that in the absence of 'positive remedial action by the
government of Goa,'� the GBA would have to reconsider its role in
the task force. The convener of the GBA, who is not in town, is
expected back soon, say sources.

The very first press note issued on December 7, 2006 by the GBA
Save Goa Campaign and signed by the convener, Dr Oscar Rebello
makes interesting reading. It says, 'Besides the calamitous
destruction of Goa's natural beauty, her culture and her heritage,
we are set to witness an unprecedented social disaster if mega
5-star projects, townships, condominiums, golf courses, resorts,
etc take root in our precious land. Besides being greedily
resource intensive, all these megalomaniac projects envisaged in
the Regional Plan 2011 will trigger a wealthy and powerful new
wave of migrant influx who have the potential to relegate
indigenous and already settled Goans into a politically irrelevant
minority in their own land.'
Question everything -- Karl Marx

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