Details of Filomena Braz are available on my book 'Tiatr Ani Tiatrist'. No she lives in Goa (not Mumbai). A very natural and versatile actress & singer. Performed stellar roles in Prem Kumar's tiatr. Her husband Barnabe too has acted in a few tiatr in sall roles. Her sister Celine has also performed in a couple of tiatr.

Joe wrote:
I know Filomena is one of the senior tiatrists (residing in Bombay) but don?t remember seeing her on stage. Would appreciate if any one write a few lines on Filomena Braz, I like to know more about her,

It seems all the songs in the VCD are previously sung or composed by the senior tiatrists dead or alive. Kenny has briefly talked about them like Mr. Lawrence de Tiracol, C Alvares, Gabru (?), Prem Kumar, Master Vaz (?), Wilson etc

?Utor Mogachem? by Prem Kumar was beautifully sung  (actors Kenny & Kiran).

Actors, Songs, Music, Videography etc deserve full marks

The newly released VCD is available all over Goa (and Bombay, Amboli Andheri (W) Contact 9820571238)

Please buy the original and support Kokani

Thank you.

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