Cheers Dears
By Augusto Pinto

Learning the Facts of Life?


The moment I saw Gowrini I knew that something was wrong. Gow, as I call her affectionately to her face, and Cow, as I call her behind her back - Gow and I go back a long way. We used to play toey - toey on the back benches of a South Goa college where we studied. Due to the differences in our communities, the attraction did not go anywhere beyond the physical, although we remained friends. She then began going steady with a good looking hunk. Everybody thought they would get hitched, but her parents found out that he didn't belong to the same caste, fixed her up with a rich bloke from their caste, and she drifted into an unhappy marriage. After discovering he wasn't all that rich as was claimed, she had to take up a job as a lecturer.

Anyway, seeing her toodling along the street, with a hangdog appearance on her face, I sidled up to her and asked,"Hey Gow, what's up? You look as if someone is soon going to stab you." She replied, "Oh hi, Gus, it's just that I'm depressed with the atmosphere in the college where I work." "What's happened there, Gow?" 'It's the Principal, Gus, he's been charged with sexual harassment", she said. "Sexually harassing you?!', I asked in amazement. Why would anyone want to sexually harass a cow like her, was beyond me, though come to think of it, in these matters one could never tell. The other day I read of an 80 year old woman being raped.

"It's not me, Gus, he goes for the tender and beautiful sort." Gow is nothing if not honest - she had rightly concluded that she isn't in the pink of youth - and she continued," He's tried to harass a girl the age of his daughter" Wow, I thought to myself, the people who act in place of the parents in our educational institutions really must have fun. The other day I read of a teacher molesting a student.

"What happened then, Gow?" I asked. "Most of her colleagues protested when they found out what the lecher was up to." "So was he suspended, Gow?" "No, he wasn't" "Why ever not, Gow?" "You see Gos, the Chairman of the Trust where I work, belongs to the same caste as the Principal" "Ah hah! Great!" I replied with a knowing smile and continued, "It's good that our educational institutions are teaching the facts of life to our kids. A lesson like this is more important than a hundred lectures. Still Gow, why do you have to look so downcast"

"The thing is, Gus, I didn't side with the other staff members in protesting against the Principal's behavior. " 'Why not", I asked. "Well you see Gus, he belongs to the same caste as me, and you know, caste..." I completed her sentence," Is almost as thick as blood which is thicker than water" She added, "And the worst thing is most of the protesting staff members are from our caste. They all look down on me" "The traitors to the caste!!", I exclaimed.

I said, " Gow, you shouldn't be apologetic or anything. I must really compliment you because unlike these namby pamby teachers who have all those pathetic liberal notions about equality and justice and fairness, you are teaching them the real values of life."

"Am I, Gus? What do you mean?" "Gow, when those students go out of those schools and colleges, they have such a tough time adjusting themselves to the realities of the world. But teachers like you, and that Principal and that Chairman show them what the world is really like." She said looking visibly relieved, "Thanks Gus, I'm glad you feel like that"

"There's just one thing Gow, I think something must be done to teach a lesson to those staff members who demanded justice for that young victim of sexual harassment. I think I'll write to the Chief Minister, who is also the Education Minister to take action against them. I wonder what caste he belongs to..."

Gow went her way a visibly happier cow. Till next week then.

Cheers   (ENDS)

The above article appeared in the May 21, 2008 edition of the Herald, Goa

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