Gomantak Times, 18 June 2008

The Rape of Goa...as a tool to Save Goa?

The Rape of Goa, a photo documentary, by Rajan Parrikar is filled
with images of violence. It speaks of a violence done to the
earth, as hills are cut and forests 'shaved' off. It speaks of the
violence done to local inhabitants, as concrete apartments rise
and threaten the security and life-styles of these older
residents. All in all, it is a vivid description of some of the
more visible atrocities being committed in the name of development
within the state. And yet, despite all of this documenting
something is not quite right with the documentary.

Art historians tell us that works of art are not only geared
toward a definite audience, they are also capable of creating an
audience. When viewing a work of art, the viewer is transformed
into a being who is not only able to appreciate the work, but also
act out the message of the art work. And so it is that within the
great Gothic cathedrals of Europe, the worshippers are reminded
that they are mere creatures in the grand and marvelous work of
creation that is the universe. Their place is to live their lives
in praise of the Creator, uphold the system that He has divinely
mandated, and respect the persons who mediate His mandate.
Similarly with 'corporate environments' which create the cubicular
work-spaces. These cubicles transform an individual capable of
million acts of creation and leisure, into one that believes that
the sole purpose of life is really to work; and be aware that they
can be monitored, just as they monitor others. If the art-work
produces a certain kind of an audience, what sort of an audience
does 'The Rape of Goa' create?

The answer emerged in the course of the viewing of this
documentary in the Conference Hall of the Hotel Mandovi, the day
before. 'The Rape of Goa' is filled not only with multiple images
of violences being visited on Goa and Goans, it is also filled
with captions that provoke the viewer. In this slick production,
music lends itself to the captions presented to the viewer. These
captions by and large point out that the 'developments' in Goa are
by outsiders and for outsiders, in connivance with a bunch of
politicians, builders and miners. Overcome with the visuals being
presented, one of the viewers at the Hotel Mandovi, was forced to
cry out "Ye soglen Ghanti!" (All these Ghatties!). This is exactly
the kind of response that 'The Rape of Goa' is expected to draw.
The documentary seeks to provoke you, and then push you into a
series of actions based on that provocation.

The question that we need to ask however is whether provocation is
what we in Goa need to be doing right now. Is it provocation, or
introspection that is required? A provocation creates a mob, and
mobs don't think or contemplate, they act unthinkingly and tend
towards blind violence. Indeed, at the Hotel Mandovi, one of the
initial comments was that the time for discussion and debate was
over, it is now the time for action. The tendency towards this
sort of rhetoric, one that constantly seeks to create mobs- and
the simultaneous threat of violence  - has been a constant feature
of the mobilization in the upheaval that Goa has been seeing for a
couple of years now, and this trend is extremely unhealthy.

This trend is unhealthy, because we don't seek to engage people in
dialogue and debate about how we can deal with these unhealthy
developments and our personal contribution to this alleged 'Rape'.
We just identify public enemies, inflame passions, and mobilize
people against these public enemies. Most of the time, as the
debate in the Hotel Mandovi showed, these enemies are the
builder-politician nexus and the migrant. It is the poor migrant
however, a victim of multiple circumstances, who is the easiest
target for mob violence. While there have been multiple instances
of migrants and their children being targeted for violence, we are
yet to see similar violence directed toward the builder or
politician, or the buildings that they erect. (This is not a plea
for such violence though).

Goa has seen numerous movements in the past, one of which was the
Konkani language agitation that similarly created the enemy in the
shape of Marathi. This image of the enemy was mobilized the
masses, who were eventually let down. The goodies of state
recognition were gathered by elite groups, and those reliant on
the Roman script were left out, as their accent and script was
deemed less that proper. In this context then, we must perhaps
contemplate if what we had were not mass movements but mob
movements? Mobs that were created, and carefully manipulated by
those at the helm of power? The common person is not served by
such mobilizations, only elite groups are, and in the present
mobilization we should strive hard to stay away from such tendencies.

One of the options projected as a solution to the 'Rape of Goa' is
obtaining special status on the lines of Jammu and Kashmir and
Himachal Pradesh. As seductive and attractive as it sounds, we
should view with suspicion Hema Sardesai's (and others)
impassioned plea for special status for Goa. In the history of the
Konkani movement, at the crucial moment, Konkani was defined as
only that written in Devanagari script, cutting out entirely
votaries of the Roman script, who formed the bulk of the masses
then. How are we to be sure, that when this Special status is
granted to Goa, the 'local' is not defined in a similarly perverse
manner? We must remember that vast numbers of Goans are migrating
outside of India. While many of them are also applying for 'Person
of Indian Origin' (PIO) status, it should be noted that ownership
of agricultural land in India is not available to them. Similarly,
it is not possible for PIOs to purchase property in Jammu and
Kashmir. The present mobilizations in Goa, seek to retain the
'agrarian' aesthetic of Goa. The Goan who migrates therefore, and
yet wishes to retain a space in Goa, could possibly stand to loose
from a move toward Special Status. The demand for Special Status
for Goa needs to keep in mind therefore, much more than simply the
current depredations of the Goan environment.

The 'Rape of Goa' may document the activities that most of us in
Goa deem a matter a concern. However, it is not necessarily part
of the answer primarily because it seeks to rouse and inflame the
passions of a mob. It does not lead us to ask more penetrating
questions about the structure of society in Goa that allows for
such activities to take place. It pins the blame on politicians,
without questioning our own complicity in this problem, allowing
us to blame 'greedy Goans' and outsiders. A mob does not think
independently, and what we require right now, is independence of
thought and lots of it. This the 'Rape of Goa' leaves no space
for, and for this reason must be a suspect tool in the battle to
'Save Goa'.

(Comments welcomed at www.dervishnotes.blogspot.com)

Question everything -- Karl Marx

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