Tue Jul 1 06:50:50 PDT 2008
>From J. Colaco 
What is wrong with you people who want to tell
everybody here about personal details of your parents,
married/unmarried, sudra/chardo/brahman etc. Get a
hold of yourself, guys. Do you really believe that the
rest of us care enough to know this personal junk?
Tue Jul 1 21:43:50 PDT 2008
>From Cecil Pinto 
You have clearly articulated what so many of us here
in Goan cyberspace have been meaning to say. Some
individuals are consistently using GoaNet as though it
is some sort of a clinic for personal catharsis and
An occasional outburst is understandable but constant
whining about one's circumstances of birth and caste
etc. is the sign of a sick mind. 
Wed Jul 2 08:56:34 PDT 2008
This may be a bit late from me but I have to agree
with you totally that it is a nonsense when people
have to disclose personal things about themselves in
public when nobody wants to know or care. 
Wed Jul 2 17:51:52 PDT 2008
>From J. Colaco 
7: My problem with Monteiro's post about his mother
and grandparents is based on the two disciplines I am
presently immersed in. I absolutely believe that a
person's confidentiality wrt matters private
should be protected even after the person's death.
Even the UK's current Data Protection Act is very
clear about that.
But let me not digress - Here are two points I'd like
you to think about:
a: I could understand IF Monteiro's(Monty) father made
Monty's mother pregnant and deserted her without
marrying her. That would be genuine grounds for Monty
to spill his guts here. But when one realises that
Monty's mother had another child with his father -
what does that say about the relationship? And what
does that say about the ungrateful Monty who in all
likelihood needs professional help? Would you like
GoaNet to be the meeting-place for such sychosomatic
Mario responds:
Jose, Cecil and Cornel,
You have made your points.  I was conflicted by your
comments.  Now it's my turn.
The short answer to the question in the title of this
thread is, "Because they chose to."
I am a little disappointed at your irritated, strongly
worded umbrage in response, especially because you
have all been steadfast supporters of tolerance and
free speech on Goanet over the years.
I may even agree with the reasons for your umbrage at
the emotional, poignant and painful disclosures by
some other posters regarding the so-called castes or
marital infidelities of their parents - but that is
neither here nor there.
By its history and precedent, Goanet has been an open
public forum for issues of interest to Goans, mostly
Goa-centric, but with numerous exceptions, as long as
these avoided personal abuse and the thoughts were
expressed with reasonable civility.  The beauty of an
open forum is that members should be able to express
themselves whithout worrying about the umbrage of
others - who can respond and take issue if they choose
Leaving aside the psychobabble inherent in some of the
responses in this thread, I, too, noticed that Selma's
disclosures about the castes her parents were tagged
with by Goan society, and had risen above, and the far
more painful disclosures by John, whose life had not
descended into chaos as a result, were not what we are
normally used to seeing on Goanet.  But, we have not
walked in their shoes, and have not experienced what
they obviously were forced to during their formative
When I read what THEY felt they had to write about
issues that had to be so personal and deep-seated, my
reaction was to sigh, shake my head and thank God I
did not have to go through what they obviously
experienced growing up.
Did they "vomit" on all of us as the title of this
thread alleges irritably, or did they feel comfortable
enough with us, perhaps mistakenly, to vent their
innermost feelings believing they could trust us to
handle their disclosures with some level of sympathy
and understanding?  Make up your own minds.
Being a public forum, we individually also have the
right to not "care enough to know this personal junk",
or to believe that this is using Goanet for "personal
catharsis and cure", and that "nobody wants to know". 
One's right of free speech includes the corresponding
right of others to not listen, care or agree.
However, for those who are not mental health
professionals but businessmen, teachers or engaged
euphemistically in "two disciplines I am presently
immersed in" to suggest a need for psychological
professional help was probably going a tad further
than was really necessary or appropriate in my never
humble opinion.
In his "Treatise on Toleration," Voltaire wrote, "Not
only is it extremely cruel to persecute in this brief
life those who do not think the way we do, but I do
not know if it might be too presumptuous to declare
their eternal damnation.", a sentiment that was later
paraphrased as, "I disapprove of what you say, but I
will defend to the death your right to say it".
Finally, I also felt some sense of uplift in the
ability of people who cope and survive, some over odds
that may have laid some of the rest of us low.
So, to Goanetters of the world I say, "Go ahead and
VERBALLY "vomit" if you need to and it makes you feel
better.  I will defend your right to do so, while I
may also decide to step around it and move on."

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