                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India


Seems to me you chaps may have found a solution or a way of delaying eventual 
memory loss, its commonsly said our grey matter tends to be less efficient as 
we age, and those of us who are nearing or have passed 60 years of (s)age could 
take this on board. Though you two appear to be mentally as steady as 25 year 
olds, me, well more than triple this these days at least...........
  Recently as 4 or 5 years ago I could have held my memory & any 25 year old 
with every bit of scrap information from the time we landed at London Airport 
in 1961 till a few years ago but these last few years have taken their toll on 
my little grey cells, I seem to forget names, sometimes place names, I will 
wander mid-sentence or lose the thread of my conversations with friends, family 
& even my customers at my business. Now if that's not a form of "creeping 
alzheimers........" I dont know what is.
  The grey matter needs working upon, daily & regularly reading, not just for 
eye exercise but keeping up with current affairs around the world (especially 
these days in Goa, there is so much going on there, sufficient for anyone 
keeping away the dreaded memory loss, stay alert & fit until at least they 
reach 100 and beyond....).
  I tried to remember things by association & this sometimes works but 
eventually, like the dreaded "house of cards", it only takes a little 
  I would like to vist this wikipedia site Patrice Riemens recommended to you, 
please if you will pass it on.
  John Monteiro

"Teotonio R. de Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I had known of localised memory. I can remember, for instance, the exact
place on note cards and on notebooks where I made my jottings (of archival
and other readings) during the past 40 years or so................Those 
interested could read more
about it in Tony de Melo's very popular book entitled *Sadhana: A way to

  Message: From: "Tony de Sa"

Thanks for the information. Patrice Riemens also pointed out the same and 

pointed me to the wikipedia site for it

  John Monteiro  

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