                     **** http://www.GOANET.org ****

                    Tri Continental Film Festival 2008
                           July 25 - 30, 2008
                               Goa, India



We hear positive noises on the revocation of the Goa TCP [Amendment] Act, 2008 
from Manohar Parrikar [in the newspapers] and Reginaldo Lourenco [letter dated 
26 July to GBA] ... and a lot of other noise as well. I read what Rajan 
Parrikar has to say about the GBA. Rajan Narayan is not the sole authority on 
the subject , it seems. Everyone feels empowered to dream things and call it 
the facts ...and then change their minds again.

I am making a limited reply on Goanet. The rest can express their views as they 
feel fit. My comments are interspersed below for sake of brevity.

Mog asundi.


Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2008 16:02:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Rajan P. Parrikar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Betrayal by GBA and the Task Force farce

For over a year, I have been publicly saying that the GBA
has defrauded the Goan people.  This conclusion was based
on evidence - what I saw and researched in the course 
of my relentless travel to all corners of Goa almost every 
day the past 15-18 months.  

COMMENT: That a BIG Generalized statement to make by someone who is NOT a part 
of the GBA and,consequently, knows very little about it ... save Press 
notes/reports and hearsay, besides lavish doses of imagination or hallucination 
or both! ;-)

More recently,dossiers I obtained under the RTI Act were adduced here
on Goanet. Not a single GBA honcho ever evinced the slightest interest...

COMMENT:The Aldona Bachao Abhiyan, in which I represent the GBA, has already 
used information made public by Rajan Parrikar to dig up more details. What 
Rajan does not know does not cease to be the Truth. ;-)

Consequently, I reckoned that these were not men and 
women wedded to the goal of saving Goa.  There is now 
a case to be made that the GBA's chicanery was willful, 
and that its leadership cleverly manipulated the Goan 
people to serve the interests of the big builders and the 
political masters who stood to benefit from GBA's policy 
of laissez faire.

COMMENT: So what was stopping Rajan from leading a movement [like the 
still-born GPA that he almost launched with the threatening-to-diet singer or 
the guy with the plaintive song against another doctor who gave him no Southern 
comfort]or becoming an active part of an alternative [like the other Parrikar 
supported GMAS] and doing the needful to save Goa?

Awhile back Soter D'Souza, part of GBA's Core Group, 
publicly began questioning GBA's mysterious moves and 
non-moves.  Those questioning the GBA were
branded as BJP operatives and charged with acting at the 
behest of Manohar Parrikar with the express goal of 
destabilizing GBA.  This ploy has become the standard 
operating procedure for GBA charlatans caught in flagrante
delicto: deflect attention by accusing those who expose 
their nefarious machinations as allies of the BJP/RSS.  

COMMENT: Don't keep using the name of Soter D'Souza to bulwark your arguments. 
Soter is a well known and respected social activist who is an integral part of 
the GBA since its inception on 03 December, 2006 to date .... no matter who 
says otherwise. Rajan Narayan is not the spokesman of the GBA. Produce any 
statement issued by the spokespersons [Oscar, Sabina or Pravin]authorised by 
the GBA Core Group to date that has accused Soter or anyone else of being BJP. 
Rajan Narayan has called me Saffronite. I can't help it if he has 
hallucinations. Annand Salgaokar has called Soter and me "double battlo". Most 
people do not even know who Annand Salgaokar is. So there!

S. Kamat's column in O Heraldo a few days ago was a 
telling indicator that people have finally seen through 
GBA's deceit.  [I shall here resist the delicious temptation 
to say, "I told you so."]

COMMENT: Srinivas Kamat from Alto Betim is a nice writer of "letters to the 
Editor" His view in the HERALD was best defined by the caption of the column" 

So who in the GBA do I hold responsible for this sordid mess?  

COMMENT: Where is the mess? What mess? Kermesse!! ;-)

In Nov 2007 we witnessed the stultifying spectacle. And these guys are 
going to save Goa?  

COMMENT: Why do you not expose their links through RTI, photographs, etc?

Let me reprise my afore-stated concerns about the
composition of the Task Force (TF) which, as constituted,
the GBA should never have acquiesced to be part of.
One glance at the Task Force panel and the only word
that springs to mind is "mediocre."

COMMENT: Old Brazilian saying, "You pay peanuts, you get monkeys!" What do you 
expect for a sitting fee of Rs.1000/- when the sittings spread over three days 
and are NOT even minuted, properly or otherwise, for months. The GBA is 
represented in the Task Force ...and has not seen the Minutes of the 
fortnightly sittings since 01 April, 2008 to date. Game for an RTI with the 
Task Force Secretariat in the Palace of the Macaques ....ooops former Maquinez 
Palace, Panaji? The members of the Task Force may wear shirt sleeves but have 
vested interests. The GBA's vested interest was in getting the information to 
the public. How can this be done when the Minutes ...truncated at that, so as 
to be refered to as "bikini" [not revealing any essential points like Mandakini 
in "Ram Teri Ganga Maili" Bollywood movie]Minutes ... are issued only when the 
Interim or Final Report is to be issued? 

Why are there so many architects on the TF?  I dispute 
the assumption that architects have a special insight 
into or skills for the planning process.  The very 
presence of practicing architects should have set
off alarm bells ringing within GBA.  We cannot have foxes guarding the henhouse.

COMMENT; Good question ...but not covered under RTI ;-)
Why is Datta Damodar Naik on the Task Force?  

COMMENT: As representative of the Goa Housing Construction Industry. Why GHCI 
is represented on the Task Force ....when  TTAG, HRAG, GHAG, WWF,GF, etc are 
not .... I do not know.

My own ideal of the Task Force would have 6 members, 
one of whom is the Co-ordinator.  They would be appointed
for a term of 3 months of full-time work, provided with
office space and support staff, and suitably compensated
for the period they are on duty.  The mandate will be
to come out with a draft plan at the end of 3 months.
One technical expert on the panel should suffice.  
For this role, I can think of no one better than 
Dr. Samir Kelekar, who, in his little pinkie, packs 
more mathematical and analytic firepower than 
all the current Task Force duds put together.

COMMENT: Was Dr.Samir Kelekar not on the Infotech Corp board for sometime? I 
think the Goa Govt. Would be uncomfortable with him and hence did not invite 
him. One does not normally ask a man who is divorced from one daughter to marry 
the other ...what ever the reasons for the separation!

This current noisome Task Force does not possess 
even an atom of credibility and the bastard child
of its onanistic deliberations baptized as RP2021 must 
be rejected outright and flushed down the toilet.  The 
betrayers within GBA must be must be shown the door 
with a well-timed kick on their carbuncled behinds.

COMMENT: Why baptized if it is going to be flushed anyway? Save water! ;-) 
Could we not have a "barso" and compost the paper of the RiP 2021 to make 
manure? Should we be circumspect about the possibility of circumcising the RP 
2021 ...and removing the link of the amended Section 16 and 16 A of the TCP 
Act, 1974?

The time has come for Goa to make a fresh beginning.

COMMENT: Here, I am in full agreement with you ... in my PERSONAL capacity, of 
course! Otherwise, there may be people accusing me of being saffron all over 
again ...when even the tandoor chicken we eat is bereft of saffron. 

Warm regards,


Mog asundi


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