
Soter's obvious reference seems to be to Mr. K. Kalanand Mani of the Peaceful 
Society, Madkai-Ponda. He has done a lot of good work, though not always in the 
way I would like to see it done ... including the association with GMAS or GPA 
through Soter but with PS consent. The world does not march to the beat of just 
one drum.

It would be difficult to find fault with Soter on the analysis of Oscar, a 
person I have strongly defended [including on Goanet] in the past for the sake 
of the GBA. Signing the INTERIM REPORT of the Task Force on RPG on 03 May, 
2008, without reporting to the GBA as resolved on 14 and 31 March, 2008, was 
bad enough. Going to the Press against the GBA immediately after his return 
from a private holiday in Europe, was worse. One would think he was smarter for 
the experience after he apologised on the 04 June for the insanity of 28 May, 
2008 ..... only to do it again on 01 August, 2008. Anyway, that is history.

The work on hand for the PEOPLE OF GOA is to get the GOA TOWN & COUNTRY 
PLANNING [AMENDMENT] ACT, 2008 that amends Section 16 and 16 A of Goa TCP Act, 
1974 to exclude government projects [Film City, Football Academy, Sports City, 
Mopa Airport, GTDC Hotels, IDC Estates, School Complexes with hotels and 
residential blocks, Central University with Convention Centre,Marinas, Minor 
Ports, etc] REPEALED in the monsoon session of the Goa Legislative Assembly 
beginning 18 August and ending on the eve of Ganesh Chaturthi. The GBA 
continues to inspire and lead the people of Goa. while mourning the loss of an 
Oscar, the GBA did do a presentation on the TCP Act, 2008 on the very next day, 
02 august, 2008. It also held a meeting to chart the path ahead. As Lawrence of 
Arabia said, "There are no rest houses in a revolution." Goa is experiencing a 
people's revolution, nothing less.

Visit to see the presentation that was made to the Press and 
the Public on 02 August, 2008, at Panaji under Sabina martins, Co-convener of 
GBA for North Goa. This will be repeated in Margao shortly under the leadership 
of Shridhar Kamat, Co-Convener of GBA for South Goa with the assistance of the 
Salcete Taluka Coordinators Serafino Cotta and Dilip Prabhudesai, as dedided at 
the GBA meeting of 28 July, 2008, attended till the end by its Convener for the 
last time before his sudden resignation as Convener [NOT as member of the 'Core 
Group' of GBA that meets every month, or more often as needed].

Mog asundi.


Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 05:20:51 -0700 (PDT)
From: Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2008 05:20:51 -0700 (PDT)

Soter writes:
>Did GBA have this leadership is the question? or Was GBA's leadership a 
>>cultivation of the media and power brokers?

 But history will note that it was the GBA which gave the first strike, and 
showed that it is possible to shake the mighty.

Whatever happened to the GPA ?????

I know Sabina Martins from my college days. Same with Patricia Pinto.

The nice thing about the GBA is that it works on consensus. As such,
there is bound to be conflict.

It is time to give responses to the Regional Plan document. Is anyone willing 
to plunge into the document and study it and give appropriate responses or will 
we only get into a downward spiral and destroy Goa?


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