Hi Cecil,
It is now referred to as frotteurism (also toucheurism).
The term frottage -- a technique employed to lift textures off tactile
surfaces. continues to be used in art, and was employed extensively by Max
Ernst — the Surrealist.
See below for a more comprehensive reference on Frotteurism :

Also see paraphilia:

Can you imagine if there was a book put together on the various philia's /
paraphilias in Konkani/Marathi? Perhaps they do exist in Marathi. I must
look into this. Nothing like learning new words that I will only use a
couple of times in my life.


> Cecil Pinto wrote:
> > the male rubbing himself on 'the behind'
> > of the female was not necessarily an act of foreplay but could be a
> > sexual act in itself. This is referred to as frottage.

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