Re. the Contacto Goa (RTP) programme - watch it online:

5 Aug: RTP (Portugal). Programme dealing with the traditional Goan house.
Interviews with Gerald Da Cunha and Dean D'Cruz etc. 31m. 29s.

The traditional Goan houses are  selling at premium prices in Goa.  Why do
the builders not construct replicas of them instead of the mega developments
of concrete blocks?

Eddie Fernandes

-----Original Message-----
From: Ana Maria de souza-Goswami

I am surprised that people refer to Goan houses as Portuguese ones.  We do 
not, I repeat do not have Portuguese houses but Goan.
If anyone of you saw the last episode (repeat one) on Contacto Goa (RTP) 
featured on architecture in Goa. Even the anchor Fransisco Machado said 
'There are no Portuguese houses like these in Goa in Portugual, these are 
Goan houses'.

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