Mario Goveia wrote:
> Because you are an investment professional, once
> again, I must caution you that your remarks in a
> public forum like Goanet may mislead others who are
> not as astute or knowledgeable about investing, nor are
> watching commodity prices and other financial
> information all day long.

I have been called much worse names than "an investment 
professional." Fortunately, those who resort to name calling 
are those whose opinion is worthless anyway. Secondly, 
thanks for your words of caution but anyone who makes 
investment decisions based on emails on the internet, 
really deserve what will be coming their way. 

> When gold hit $1,000 per ounce earlier this year you
> ostentatiously told everyone on Goanet, without any
> smiley face to punctuate your remarks, that it would
> hit $1,650 per ounce, but covered yourself by saying
> you had no idea when it would do so.

(-: Yes, I remember that :-) 
For every adviser you can show me who will predict a 
price and a time line, I can show you a complete idiot. 

> Surely, you must know as a master-investor that the
> time value of money is an essential element in the
> success of any investment.  Avoiding at least an
> approximate range of timing when making a forecast is
> a major omission, making the forecast essentially
> useless for anyone seriously interested in your
> opinion. 

Hey, now I really am aglow with your term "master-investor." 
You should be doing this to me more often ;-) As a reciprocal 
gesture I will re-read your Marxist idea of depending on funds 
FROM the Govt for your business plan to succeed.   

> Now, citing only the US inflation rate, which just hit
> a whopping 5.6% versus India's inflation rate of
> 12.4%, you are once again touting gold as an
> investment.  This time you used a smiley face.  I hope
> this means that you are kidding.

US inflation is at a 17 year high! 
At two percent annual inflation, a pensioner loses more 
than 25% of his purchasing power in ten years. At 5.6% 
inflation, he will lose that amount in less than four years. 
Hey! if inflation is good for a country, G. Bush, M. Singh 
and R. Mugabe are true patriots. 
As for gold, take a quick look at how much gold one unit 
of each of the currencies of the above countries could buy 
when these leaders came to power and compare it to how
 much gold one unit of the same currencies can buy today. 
> On the off chance that you are serious, here is an
> article that should add some perspective for others
> less familiar with investing as to what is going on in
> the financial markets.

For those who like doing there own research, take a 
few minutes to find out what gold does in times of inflation.
Also be really familiar with the term "'Stagflation." There 
is a lot of money to be made by those who can read key
economic signals. 
Finally, here is a quote from my guru, Keynes, that I keep on my desk.

"Lenin is said to have declared that the best way to destroy
the Capitalist System was to debauch the currency. By a 
continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate, 
secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of 
their citizens. By this method they not only confiscate, but 
they confiscate arbitrarily; and, while the process impoverishes 
many, it actually enriches some." [...] 

"Lenin was certainly right. There is no subtler, no surer means 
of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the
currency. The process engages all the hidden forces of economic 
law on the side of destruction, and does it in a manner which not
one man in a million is able to diagnose."

BTW, This has been one of the most pleasant beer drinking 
days in Toronto. Its 1.00 am in the morning and here are 
pictures from World Gold, oops World Goa day.[EMAIL PROTECTED]/2769879372/

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