Guys check who is scoring the brownie's here:-)

To Goanet -

Santosh Helekar wrote:
Communal riots have plagued India since its inception. The root cause of this madness is the tendency for even educated people to incite hatred against those who are different from them...

"Root cause" of the "communal riots" in India is the "tendency..."? Gee, which alternative universe did you grow up in? One thing is for sure - the seemingly educated (the operative word here is 'seemingly') seem to be in need of elementary education in Indian history.
Nobody who has even the slightest idea of
19th and 20th C Indian history could have made
so fatuous a remark.  But it sounds chic and
politically correct, so why not score a few brownie
points while pretending you have something to

Warm regards,


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