Hi Avelino and Armstrong
Thanks for your intelligent and insightful material on
the considerable value of migrant labour in Goa. 
The same is absolutely true in the UK where UK Ltd
would come to a standstill overnight without immigrant
Cornel DaCosta, London, UK. 

 "D'Souza, Avelino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Will ban on migrant labour serve Goa's cause? 
> Are the migrant labour of Goa, locally known as
> Ghantis, who form an integral part of Goa's economy
and life, responsible for many a wrong-doing in Goa?
Are they a problem or a solution to the day to day
> needs of Goans?
> Hats off to them. Where Goans dare venture, they
> have soiled their hand sand emerged successful.
> Yes, we find less and less Goans soiling their hands
> in manual labour in our cities.
> "We need the migrants, and we need them because
> there are a lot of jobs in Goa that the Goans aren't
prepared to do.  

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