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=0A=0A=0AHere we now have dr. Cornel trying to prescribe some medicine for =
the ills of Goa. One wonders what Domingo alias Domnic from Gaumvaddo has t=
o say to this? Meddling in indian affairs Cornel!=0A=A0=0AArre baba dr Corn=
el the bharats when they occupied Goa had no intention to liberate it. The =
colo Nehru was then handling a miserable economy of his country. Famines ra=
mpant in the eastern part of the sub continent. This was the British legacy=
. Fome e mais fome.=0A=A0=0ASo in 1951 the colo concotted the blockade of G=
oa Damao,Diu and Nagar Haveli in an attempt to strangle the Portuguese pres=
ence in Goa. But deu amkam pauloh, GDD not only surived but did better than=
 before 51. Core project such as the building of the aiport - Dabolim was i=
nitiated by the then Gov. Gen. Vassalo e Silva. New estaleiros navais (barg=
e building) were being inaugurated for the increasing demand of iron ore. E=
missora de Goa (Radio Goa) with its powerful transmitter was already broadc=
asting worldwide. The chor saw this success and invaded Goa in 1961. Their =
main intention was to benefit from the porto of Murmugao. It was a natural =
harbour and business was very brisk especially with the Japs who were rebui=
lding after the second world war. Our airport was also occupied and is unti=
l today for somebody elses security.=0A=A0=0AMeanwhile some IPS chaps were =
sent around to make an evaluation of Goa -post 61. They came up with 'elect=
rifying' some villages, laying pipelines for 'running water'=A0 and install=
ation of 'telephones'. For all Goans know these basic infrastruture facilti=
es either work or do not. Bharat is not serious about Goa their main aim is=
 grab as much as possible from Goa. They installed banks all over so they c=
an flight whatever comes to these banks.=0A=A0=0AOur guillible puppets via =
the Directorate of Information publishes what is acheived post 61 vs pre 61=
. But one wonders if those electrified villages have power supply daily or =
running water or for that matter if the telephones work. Why do they not pu=
blish for how long the basic amenties are working? =0A=A0=0AAs for the GMC =
you must be aware it is the oldest institution of western medicine in Asia.=
 Pre 61 the affairs were run by Goans. It also supplied Goans doctors for t=
he Brtis. The colo sent in his bhayyas to run the institution today we see =
the results.=0A=A0=0ABC=0A=0A=0A      

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