Meeting with DR. APJ Abdul KALAM 

FRONTLINERS, the organization at the fore-front of community service for the 
needy, both at India and for our workforce at Kuwait wishes to thank with 
sincere gratitude DR. APJ Abdul Kalam for accepting to meet its Founder, Writer 
N.C. Mohandoss on 3rd Sept at New Delhi. 

(Photo: N.C. Mahondoss (right) & APJ Abdul Kalam (left)

Dr Kalam showed keenness & great interest to understand the various social work 
performed by FRONTLINERS Team in conjunction with Indian Embassy Kuwait since 
1998 and expressed happiness. NCM emphasized that Indian Embassy on occasions 
have asked FRONTLINERS to be part of the problem solving group for labour 
related problems at Kuwait.

Our rocket scientist and former president expressed his great concern for some 
of the sufferings that the Indian labor work force is undergoing in gulf in 
particular and wanted FRONTLINERS to work toward alleviating them in which-ever 
way possible. He added that appropriate actions should be taken by social 
organizations to develop skills and educate the downtrodden labor forces in the 
foreign land and work for their upliftment. It was important that associations 
should objectively direct some valuable time and energy for the labourer's 
cause of awareness building, empowerment and human justice thus raising their 
overall economic level.

Mohandoss extended warm Invitation to DR APJ to Kuwait on behalf of Frontliners.

(Photos courtesy: FRONTLINERS)

 ______________ team are proud to be associated with FRONTLINERS over the years.

Goa's Pride - 
Gulf-Goans e-Newsletter is presented by Ulysses Menezes, and 
moderated by Gaspar Almeida (since 1994)

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