Christians condemn Delhi bomb blasts, pray for dead and injured, urge
government to trace and punish guilty

New Delhi, Saturday, September 13:

Forgetting their own pain and anguish at the continued persecution in
Orissa, Karnataka and Madhya Pradesh, major Christian groups Saturday
night condemned the  bomb explosions in New Delhi market places which
have left perhaps a dozen dead and scores injured, according to early

The All India Christian Council condemned the Delhi bomb blasts as
crimes against humanity as they targeted innocent civilians, among
them women and children. Whatever the political issues involved, if
any, the perpetrators did not serve any cause by attacking innocent
persons.  The Council said there was no place for violence of any kind
in religion, and nothing justified acts of terrorism.

The Council recalled the explosions in Hyderabad, Bangalore and Jaipur
in the past and said by now the national security and intelligence
apparatus should have developed the expertise to assess and predict
the threats, and take pre-emptive action. The Council said the
Government should painstakingly investigate the explosions in Delhi
and trace the persons responsible for planting the bombs as well as
the mastermind. It cautioned against right wing extremist paranoia
which could lead to the harassment of innocents as had happened in
Jaipur earlier this year.

The All India Catholic Union, India's largest Catholic Lay
organisation,   described the bomb explosions as wanton violence and a
dastardly act against innocents. Such acts of terror violated all
tenets of decent civilised human behaviour. It was a matter of grave
concern that the explosions took place during the holy month of
Ramadan, and in crowded marketplaces, obviously to maximise both the
human tragedy and the cleavage between communities. The highest
religious leadership of the Catholic Church had denounced terrorism.
The Christian community in India extended its heartfelt sympathies
with the victims and their families and appealed for calm and peace.

The Delhi-based United Christian Action said Indian democracy would
survive such acts of terrorism because it was built on a strong base
of secularism and pluralism. Terror can neither frighten those it
targets, nor can it sway the people of India away from secularism. The
Christian community, the UCA said, extended its prayerful support and
solidarity with the victims and the victims of the dead.

Released to the media by Dr John Dayal

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