Samir Umarye

Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2008 05:51:48 +0530
From: "Ancy D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Goanet] Orissa Christians Suspect Hindu Hand Behind
       Saraswati       Murder

Ancy D'Souza seem to have just copied and pasted the news that he got
from somewhere....or more to it he seem to

have acted like a PRO in this case without knowing detail facts.

Here i am giving only SOME details from what i know about the issue..

It was Aug 23 when all were celebrating Gokulasthami that the gruesome
murder of Swami Laxmananand Saraswati

took place. About 28 persons entered the ashram and fired on swami in
which he along with other 4 of his followers

were killed.

KANDHAMAL a hill region from Orissa. ..In 1994 the part of Kandhamal
was separated from the Phulbani district.

This new district was named Kandhamal as included the Hindu Schedule
tribe population of "Kandh" (Kondh). They

were the followere of Hindu religion and worshiped the nature and Hindu deity.

Their poverty, illiteracy was the main cause which led some of the
Christan missionaries to interfere into their personal

life. Christians know only one 'god the lord' and they never worship
nature or idol which at times they call a stone.

Swami Laxmananand Saraswati was the man who stood against this
conversion. Attempts were made by the

missionaries to kill him several times in 1967,1961, 1976,
1978,1982,1986 and 2000. Everytime they missed their

target. But, on Aug 23 the task of missionaries was fulfilled.

Swami Laxmananand Saraswati had got a threatening letter on Aug 22 but
the state authorities ignored it. On 9th Aug

in the Raikiya Samaj Kendra run by christan terrorist there was a
meeting held and the topic was to kill swami. It was

attended by ex-MP, Nakul Nayak; ex leader of Tamudibandh village,
Krishna padashet and some others (All converted

christans). After the massacer of Swami Laxmananand Saraswati there
was hardly any publicity that was given to the

issue as it did not delt with the MINORITY.

Later when the issue was taken up the police arrested a worker of the
"World Vision" a Christan association from

Kandhamala. Another two person from Gujiwadi Kikram Diggal and Wiliams
Diggal were also arrested from the house


Laxmananand Saraswati.

When the situation went out of control the killers tried to pacify the
situation by claiming that it was the work of

Maoiest. That's the best thing any one could do at such a point of
time when they have no other alternative but to save

themselves from the "SIN". But to their bad luck the Maoist had first
only saved their skin by pasting posters in the

district saying that they are not involved in the murder.

Now this is another stunt of the Christan missionaries which Ancy
D'Souza has tried to publish.
Carry on till the "DOOM'S DAY"

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