'Slumdog Millionaire' hits it big with audience award
By Susan Wloszczyna, USA TODAY
TORONTO — The people have spoken, or at least voted. Slumdog Millionaire, a 
Dickensian fable that plunges into the noisy, colorful and perilous urban chaos 
of India, has joined the ranks of American Beauty, Crouching Tiger, Hidden 
Dragon and Whale Rider as a winner of the People's Choice Award, selected by 
festivalgoers and often an Oscar harbinger.
Much like Jamal, the plucky teen orphan from the teeming streets of Mumbai who 
wins the jackpot on the Hindi version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? only to 
be accused of cheating, Slumdog has risen above its lowly status.

The hard-to-market title was left in limbo after art-house label Warner 
Independent went under, until Fox Searchlight signed on to co-release it with 
Warner Bros. An enthusiastic screening at Telluride more than validated that 

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