I too joined many others who have voiced their concern on Mega Projects in 
Goa.(see link below) Request all like minded to join in too &  write in OUR 
concerns.  My letter  http://www.oheraldo.in/pagedetails.asp?nid=10245&cid=13 
Stop mega projectsMario Andrew Rodrigues, CalanguteSince the last few years, we 
incessantly come across mega projects in Goa, which are leading to the 
destruction of Goa’s nature, hills, fields, beaches, trees, and forests, 
thereby causing a lot of inconvenience and hardships for Goans in Goa and also 
to those who are overseas. Overseas Goans are surprised by these developments 
when they arrive in Goa after toiling abroad. It appears that Goa is being sold 
to the highest bidder, without even thinking of the consequences for Goans and 
on Goa in particular. Goa cannot and should not allow concrete jungles to grow 
and Goa’s natural beauty to diminish. We NRIs are concerned and worried about 
such illegal developments, which we oppose very strongly. The authorities 
should stop all proposed mega projects and eliminate all those under 
construction, as they will only burden our tiny state of Goa.

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