Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2008 23:28:38 -0400
From: "Goanet News Service" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
India's outsourcing bubble is bursting
By Saritha Rai,
Bangalore, India--Once a high-flying tech hub, Bangalore is seeing more 
sober days in the wake of the credit crisis.
It looks like the global economic turmoil and the dramatic Wall Street 
meltdown is beginning to hit Bangalore.
Mario responds:
This is the inevitable result of the end of a business cycle in the US, the 
economic engine of the world economy, the economic turmoil in Europe, and 
inflation in India.
Before 1992, before outsourcing and globalization caught on, a US business 
cycle was three to four years.  The last two have been seven to eight years.  
These cycles never last for more than six months, and there is no reason to 
believe that this one will be any different, since the excesses of the banking 
industry are already shaking out and the US always addresses its problems 
rather quickly.
What will be bad news for India will be if Barack Obama is elected this 
November for several reasons, a) his policy of raising taxes, he says he will 
cut tax rates for 95% of income earners, but some 40% of income earners pay no 
income taxes to begin with, b) his policy of using expensive and inefficient 
government programs as opposed to the private marketplace to solve social and 
economic problems, c) his policy of trade protectionism to maintain his 
political support from the American labor unions, which will directly impact 
outsourcing, and d) the relative lack of checks and balances on his policies 
because the Congress is likely to be controlled by his own party.

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