Samir Kelekar wrote the following account of Goa TODAY:

1: The media has to take on this role when the law becomes useless.
2: Tell me --- did the Miramar sex scandal happen or not ? Who was convicted?
3: Tell me --- was Aires Rodrigues assaulted or not ? Who is getting convicted ?
4: I am telling you if not for the media, all our daughterw would have
been getting raped today by the politicians in power. We should be
thanking the media really.
5: When the law becomes impotent, the media takes on the task of
creating public opinion.
6: Do you know the amount of corruption going on in Goa today ?
7: Do you know how many are getting convicted for corruption today?
8: Why dont you post about that rather than this ?


jc's response:

OK Samir, I agree with your assessment. I concede that you are the
real expert on the matter. After all, you live (sometimes) in Goa and
many of us merely visit (every once in a while).

I respectfully defer to your opinion on Goa.

If you say that Goa (TODAY) has become a place where (a) the law has
become useless (b) sex scandals go on without anyone getting convicted
(c) activist lawyers get assaulted (though we do not yet know WHY) (d)
Goan daughters would have been raped if it was NOT for the media (does
not explain WHY the identities of the allegedly raped need to be in
the media) (e)  humongous amount of corruption is going on in Goa
without anyone being convicted....etc etc

I'd say .....OK Samirbab ..... I agree with you.

Others might say that we have ALL kinds of "Bhaille" spitting PAAN and
emitting all kinds of bodily fluids and solids in public in Goa and
making a mess of the place.

Still others may say that this is NOT how they remember Goa a few decades ago.

I'd just say that those who criticise the goings on in Goa TODAY are
mindless nostalgic boot-lickers of Portugal.  We, Goans are not your
regular Siddhis or Andamanis. We TODAY are liberated Goans.

And for that - never mind the fact that they laid NO groundwork for
the new reality - we need to be eternally grateful to the Real (as
opposed to the Fake) albeit negligent, Freedom Fighters.

Anybody who disagrees with me, please listen to Samirbab. If you have
the guts and the putz, come to Goa and practice "Tuka Laws Na Re" in
Goa courts.

Then you will realise that Samir's invitation has NO relationship to
the sordid events as they unfold in Goa. BUT, importantly, it is an
invitational challenge alright. Do not worry if it makes any sense. it
is there.  Lump it or Put up with it.

Palang todd paan, anyone?
There are still a couple of walls in Margao which have not yet been blessed.
Once they have been ....we can properly rename it as Mud-Ghanv

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