Earlier Gilbert had claimed that there are bigots on Goanet who stated that 
violent Hindu extremists are good guys, and that this fact somehow contradicts 
the following assertion of mine:

"This article was forwarded to me by a level-headed mainstream Goan who rightly 
believes that the best way to tackle the problem of communal riots and violent 
religious extremism is to make it a "right thinking Goan of whatever 
denomination vs violent Hindutva extremists" issue, rather than a "Catholic 
Goan activists vs whoever they imagine to be supporters of violent Hindu 
extremists" issue."

Gilbert has not been able to name who these bigots are, nor point to their 
endorsement of violent extremists. Despite being requested not to make such 
irresponsible communally inflammatory charges on Goanet, he now goes further, 
and makes the following untruthful claims:

1. That I have a relative in Tennessee.
2. That he and his cohorts are violent Hindutva extremists.
3. That these extremists have been nurtured by me or someone else.

I affirm that no relative of mine in the U. S. has ever been on Goanet. Nobody 
on Goanet, as far as I know, has ever been involved in any kind of violence. No 
violent extremist has ever been nurtured by me or, as far as I know, by anybody 
else on Goanet.

For some unexplained reason, Gilbert also faults me and others for not spending 
time on Christian hate blogs and hate posts on the web.

Please do not trust what Gilbert says about me because what he says is either 
untruthful or does not make any sense at all. 



--- On Thu, 10/30/08, Gilbert Lawrence <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If I recollect right, he claimed he was one of Santosh's relatives, >worked in 
>Tennessee an IT / mathematician. I do not recollect his name. 
>...................All the time Santosh, other Christians
> and Hindus on Goanet, wrote about the Christian atrocities
> of the Middle Ages, they should have spent looking at
> the Christian hate blogs and hate posts on the web -
> especially those referenced to Goa and St. Francis Xavier.
> The "violent Hindutva extremists" did not just pop up from no-where. >They 
> have been nurtured very assiduously..........................

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