Mario Goviea wrote:

Everyone on Goanet knows Santosh is a MAHA-atheist and thus someone who has
about as many "friends" in the Sangh Parivar as you or Fr. Ivo.

Date: Thu, 27 Nov 2008 10:31:37 +0530
From: "Marshall Mendonza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Without discussing Santosh in any way, I submit it is perfectly possible for
one - whether he be an atheist or agnostic or believer to have friends
across the various divides without professing their beliefs. Friendships can
cut across class, caste, creed or colour lines.

Mario observes:

The problem with this sophistry is that you described Santosh as a "friend" of 
the Sangh Parivar, with no evidence to support your assertion.  I simply 
pointed out that this was as likely as you being a friend of the Sangh Parivar. 
 From what I have seen he is simply challenging your facts, and you are jumping 
to conclusions which have nothing to do with the facts.  That's why I asked you 
to stay on point.

Marshall wrote:

Further Sonal Shah's links with the VHP have emanated from the RSS itself
who have claimed proximity to her and her family. They also expect her to
get Narendra Modi's visa restored.

Mario observes:

I don't consider such a claim by the RSS as evidence of anything.  Besides, as 
a grown woman who has lived in the USA since before you were born, it is 
specious to lump her in with her family, unless you have some credible evidence 
that she shares their views - which has denied.

I have several intellectually challenged family members who are on the opposite 
side of the political spectrum from me:-))

Marshall wrote:

And just to add to your knowledge, the Ekal Vidyalaya's for whom Sonal's
parents are actively mobilising funds are the fronts of the VHP which have
been in the forefront of the violence in tribal areas whether in the Dangs
or Kandhamal or elsewhere.

Mario responds:

If true, this would add to my knowledge of Sonal's parents.  It would not add 
anything to my knowledge of Sonal.

You need to be able to provide some evidence of Sonal's involvement instead of 
insinuating her involvement based on the involvement of others.

This entire attempt to smear her only caught my eye because I have see NO 
direct connection between Sonal Shah and mob-violence in India.  Neither the 
original Open Letter nor any of your posts have made the connection.  You are 
all trying to smear her based on the alleged actions of others.

Believe me, as a political opponent of Sonal Shah and the new American 
administration, I have no political interest in defending her.  However, I saw 
at first hand how her political party and their supporters tried to demonize 
Sarah Palin during the last political campaign, and not a single insinuation 
and innuendo against Palin were found to be true.  Such attempts at character 
assassination will always be opposed by me, whether against an ally or an 
adversary.  There are enough facts on which I can confront the new 
administration without stooping to attacking the character of one of their foot 
soldiers without any credible evidence.

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