My heart goes out with the innocent victims of the barbaric attack at Taj and 
Oberoi Hotel in Mumbai. It is a national shame for India  that  a handful of 20 
+ men have brought the nation of 1.20 billion to a standstill. 
The  Jehadi Terrorist attack on Mumbai City has exposed the failure of UPA 
Government at the center and Maharashrta Congress-NCP Government in particular 
in curbing the real terrorists. Both of them have made the ATS try to frame 
Hindus for all the blasts and try to reap political benefit out of this. Entire 
ATS was busy with the business of framing the likes of Purohits and Sadhvis all 
the time and had no time for gathering intelligence about impending attack by 
ISI funded Islamic Terrorists. This proves beyond doubt that the ATS was 
politically motivated against Hindu organizations to appease minority vote 
banks. Now the UPA and the Chief Minister of Maharastra must take the 
responsibility of massacre of innocent people by the Jihadi terrorists in 
Mumbai during last three days.
Idiots like  Lalu  Prasad and Sharad Pawar will now blame the RSS / VHP for 
these acts. The biased English media were busy follwing Congress Government's 
fabricated charges against poor Hindu sadhvi and sadhus now must realize  that 
they were barking at the wrong tree. I do not want to sit on any judgement to 
say that those accused in Malegao blasts are total innocent.
The Congress political leadership saw an opportunity to embarrass their 
political opponent the BJP in view of coming General Elections ahead. BJP and 
Sangh Parivar  too got embroiled in an unwanted political war over the issue 
The real enemy the Islamic Jehadis striked in a  precision at the Financial 
Capital of India. 
We should stop politicking over terrorism and pay attention to this monster 
nibbling at our very existence.  Let us not classify terror because Terror is a 
Terror – is a Terror.  Let us not play games by calling it Hindu Terror  or 
Islamic Terror. 
Read this excellent editorial  on this subject by Balbir K. Punj in Daily 


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