In a tête-à-tête with Onilda Fernandes, Wendell Rodricks voices his
protest against mining companies, which are ravaging the distant
village of Colamb in search of wealth, and tells her that he has not
crossed swords with all mine owners.

You publicly announced that henceforth you would neither entertain nor
hang out with politicians or corporate honchos whose mining firms were
wrecking the environment. Could you elaborate?

I spoke with reference to the Colamb illage and the marauding mining
companies. Already one spring of water has been destroyed there,
something which was created by God. Water is needed to cultivate
fields, as a village survives on farming 365 days a year. Apart from
this, sometime back, an 85 year old woman was sent to jail for
protesting against the mining activity. Thanks to the huge generators
in the fields and mining trucks on the roads, villagers are
now deprived of their sleep as well. And through it all, the
government is protecting the perpetrators of this crime.

Would it be fair to put an end to all mining activity? After all, many
depend on it for their livelihood.

It would be unfair to abruptly stop all mining activity. Mining has
been a means of livelihood to industrialists as well as the common man
for a long time now. However, it has now become a problem to our
locals. I don't think anybody has the right to give our Goans
sleepless nights or employ outsiders who speak a foreign mother tongue
that our locals find difficult to converse with.
I have no personal axe to grind with the Chief Minister or Auduth
Timblo. But they cannot continue persecuting people to gain personal
wealth. Mining has to gradually phase out. It may take 5 or 10 years
but it cannot be allowed to destroy the existing eco system.

Will a boycott of the authorities help?

I do not know. It may sound aggressive, but I would like to use
peaceful means to protect Goans. I implore people who have money or
the ear of the government, to do pujas and pray to goddesses like
Saraswati so that wisdom is bestowed on miners and they stop ruining
people's lives. While praying to lord Ganesh to remove all obstacles,
these people
should realize that they themselves are the obstacles.  Its time
industrialists like Fomento and Timblo take a stand andthink about
people's welfare.

What about the ancillaries that depend on this sector, like truck
owners, garages, small restaurants etc? What will happen to them if
mining is stopped?

All are in debt, so that question doesn't even arise. Besides, they
can always move onto other means of sustenance. We too should look at
other areas of revenue. At present, our focus should be on the booming
sector, that is, the tourism industry. What are we going to show our
tourists, the ugly mines or a pristine Goa?

You have announced a personal boycott of politicians, but these
politicians are also representatives of the people, so, wouldn't it be
easier to work with them?

I don't protest against all politicians. There are good as well as bad
politicians. Mathany Saldanha is a very good politician.  Some
industrialists too are conscientious. I am against anybody who is
against the people of Goa. It breaks my heart that people are forced
to approach me, just because I am a famous person. They should be able
to go to the government or the police. Unfortunately here, politicians
control the police. Police too take the side of the rich.

Would this move of yours affect your business connections?
How can it? Politicians are not my clients. Neither do I depend on
them nor do they lean on me. According to me they lead a very boring,
corrupt existence. I, on the other hand lead a glamorous life with
film stars and models. I will continue to stand up for what I believe.

What about the Salgaonkar owned Goa Marriott Resort, where you
haveyour designer store?
They (Salgaonkars) have no connection with Colamb at the moment. But
if it comes down to moving my shop, that is really not a difficult
option for me.

Will you turn your back on the government completely?

I have always been available to the state when it required my help,
whether it was calling a dignitary for IFFI or designing police
uniforms. In this particular case, I have gone peacefully and spoken
to the DGP and chief secretary but to no avail. I don't see why people
do pujas for their family's benefit when they are destroying the lives
of so many others families.

The interview above appeared in Gomantak Times on 22nd December 2009

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