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Hi Sandeep
 I have just seen Slumdog Millionaire. I think it is a pretty good film that 
will particularly appeal to Western audiences----no wonder it has 10 Oscar 
I regret that for now, I just haven't got the time to explain why I thought the 
film was good.
I would be most disappointed if the people of India were prevented from seeing 
the film because of Shiva Sena protests. Such censoring attempts are 
dispicable  in my view.
--- On Sat, 24/1/09, Sandeep Heble <sandeephe...@gmail.com> wrote:

From: Sandeep Heble <sandeephe...@gmail.com>
Subject: [Goanet] Shiv Sena protests screening of Slumdog
To: goa...@goanet.org
Date: Saturday, 24 January, 2009, 11:14 AM

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Fringe groups like the Hindu Janajargruti Samiti(HJS) create
unnecessary controversies to gain a base for themselves. The Shiv Sena
too has virtually no base in Goa. Religion is often used by these
orthodox elements to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. Such
groups have neither love nor respect for Hindu and Indic values which
are based on the principles of diversity and pluralism.

A couple of months back, when the HJS made a noise over the screening
of Hussain's documentary Film at IFFI 08, instead of calling their
bluff and showing them their due place, the CM directed the
authorities to cancel the screening. It is only after some Filmmakers
and delegates protested that the Government relented and the
documentary Film was screened. The documentary Film "Through the eyes
of the Painter", showcasing the beauty of Rajasthan through the famed
Painter's eyes, ran to a packed audience while the HJS volunteers who
had threatened to forcefully agitate ran into their mouse-holes.

The sad part is that Digamber Kamat has proved to be a leader without
a spine. Instead of protecting the rights of freedom of speech and
expression, he gives undue importance to such fringe radical elements.
The role of the media too is deplorable. They blow these issues out of
proportion giving a lot of undue mileage to such groups, when such
groups hardly command a universal respect in the society.

During the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival some years back, members of this
group came to my house to lodge their protest against a banner we had
displayed in the Mahalaxmi Temple Hall to promote our festival
programme. Their complaint was a silly one: the Ganesha on the banner
was playing a flute which was blasphemy as flute is a symbol only of
Lord Krishna. This was followed by a 15th Century discourse on
orthodox Hindu values where principles of pluralism and liberalism
were shred into a million pieces. These members subsequently walked
away in a huff, quite upset, as I was unwilling to bend to their

In the same year, the mischievous streak in me could not resist
putting a bow in Krishna's hands instead of a "Sudarshana
Chakra", on
our Tableau displayed in St. Inez on the eve of Diwali. (The bow is
normally associated with Lord Ram).  Here is a picture of that
(http://tinyurl.com/dhrm54 ). And the Flute-Ganesha continued for
another 2 years :-)

It is pertinent to note that these radical groups understand neither
the essence nor the spirit of Hinduism where the Gods have
consistently been depicted liberally. During the Ganesh festival, one
has to travel across the length and breadth of Goa, into its villages,
particularly in cultural centres like Cumbarjua, Marcel and Ammona to
understand what Hinduism is: a glowing tapestry of ideas. Some of
these pictures are available at this link: http://tinyurl.com/aw3qnq

A fitting tribute to India's living civilization was given by Mark
Twain when he wrote and I quote: "In religion, India is the only
millionaire - the One land that all men desire to see, and having seen
once, by even a glimpse, would not give that glimpse for all the shows
of all the rest of the globe combined". It is the cultural beauty of
Hinduism that has made significant contributions to India's rich
diversity, where Artists and sculptors have consistently played around
by depicting Gods in the manner they imagine them, where scriptures
and holy epics have consistently been re-written from different
perspectives and interpretations, and where the very notion of
thought-control is non-existant.

Organizations like "Hindu Janajagruti Samiti" and 'Shiv
Sena" are
behaving like self-proclaimed moral custodians of faith and culture,
trying to dictate to others what they should do, see, eat and drink.
If such groups are given a free hand, they will destroy all that
Hinduism has to offer. The Millionaire Nation will slowly and steadily
be turned into a pauper. The need for the State to deal with such
groups with a firm iron hand becomes therefore imperative.

On a related note, Pradeep Dalvi's Marathi Play Mee Nathuram Godsey
Boltoy is scheduled to run at the Kala Academy Auditorium, Panaji on
Sunday, the 31st of January. In this play, the Assasin Nathuram has
been glorified and Gandhi has been depicted as a Villain, likened to
Kamsa and Ravana. Let's wait and see whether these groups are going to
stage even a peaceful protest outside the venue against the vicious
insult on the "Father of our Nation".

Sandeep Heble

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