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I second Sandeep's condemnation. I also call on people not to support
and contribute to the organizations that are responsible for this
shameful petition.



--- On Wed, 1/28/09, Sandeep Heble <sandeephe...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear all,
> Placed below is a Petition on contemporary India's
> pioneer artist
> M.F. Husain. The petition is being circulated in Hindu
> groups and
> circles. The petition is accompanied by pictures of
> Hussain's Art
> with misleading captions.
> An environment of hatred against Liberal Art in general and
> Hussain
> in particular is being created in the minds of thousands of
> Hindus,
> through circulating such petitions based on a one-sided
> propaganda
> full of misrepresentations and a general lack of
> understanding of
> Art.
> M.F. Hussain, the 94 year old artist, has spent 7 decades
> of his
> illustrious career being influenced by the richness of
> Hindu culture
> and traditions. Today, he is being subjected to the worst
> kinds of
> insults and abuse.
> A petition of this kind is not only an insult to the
> "Picasso of
> India" but is an insult to the rich, composite and
> plural culture
> that India represents. Art values and principles of Freedom
> of
> expressions are being put under serious threat through such
>  a
> "poisoning-of- the- minds".
> To protect and preserve Indian Art and the rights of Indian
> Artists,
> thought processes like these need to be nipped in the bud.
> I strongly condemn this petition.


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